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威廉斯教授課程ppt 引用此PPT,請註明此PPT為Prof. Mark Williams 2012年4月來台授課,於公開 演講及工作坊的簡報檔,使用ppt中英文 版請先經南華正念中心(NMC)許可,以免 有盜用之誤。 南華正念中心版權說明 Mark Williams馬克威廉斯 Greetings from the University of Oxford 來自牛津大學的問候 Famous for its ancient libraries 著名的古式圖書館…… The Warneford Hospital, Oxford 牛津渥福特醫院 The Oxford Mindfulness Centre (OMC) 牛津正念中心 (OMC ) What is mindfulness?什麼是正念? – Definition 定義 – The frantic world 狂亂的世界 Why emotions do not switch off 為何情緒關不掉 – Evolutionary perspective演化的觀點 – Problem solving our emotions 用解決問題的方式處理我們的情緒 – The ‘driven-doing’ mode行動驅策的模式 Consequences結果 /後果 Changing modes: from doing to being 改變模式:從行動模式到同在模式 What is mindfulness?什麼是正念? – Definition 定義 – The frantic world 狂亂的世界 –Evolutionary perspective –Problem solving our emotions –The ‘driven-doing’ mode Consequences Changing modes: from doing to being Translation of ancient Pali word “sati” - “awareness” / non-forgetfulness 古巴利語「娑提」的譯字 - 「覺察」/毋忘 – direct, open-hearted “knowing” 直接、敞開心胸的「知」 Traditionally cultivated by傳統上,用下列方式培養 – meditation practices禪修 Learning to pay attention 學習專注 – Moment by moment 一刻接著一刻 – Intentionally有意的 – With curiosity and compassion帶著好奇與慈悲 – living in a way that 以下列方式活著 – fosters compassion培養慈悲 – deepens wisdom 深化智慧 Why is it needed? 為什麼需要正念? I tend to walk quickly to get where I’m going without paying attention to what I experience along the way. 我常快速地到達我要去的地方,卻未注意沿途的風景。 I tend not to notice feelings of physical tension or discomfort until they really grab my attention. 我常未注意身體緊張或不適的感覺,直到它們真的擷取我的注意。 It seems I am “running on automatic” without much awareness of what I’m doing. 我似乎常不自覺地「自動導航」,未能覺察自己正在做些什麼。


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