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万方数据 万方数据 中文摘要 论文题目:低渗透油藏数值模拟方法研究 专 业:油气田开发工程 硕 士 生:孙 健(签名) 指导教师:陈明强(签名) 摘 要 由于全球对油气资源消耗量的急剧增长,中高渗透油藏资源量越来越少,各国相继 发现了许多低渗透油气藏,但是低渗透油藏有“一差三低”的特征,其渗流规律不太符 合达西渗流定律,表现出来的现象是非线性渗流,因此需要开发新的满足低渗透油藏渗 流的数值模拟程序。 本文在详细调研低渗透油藏渗流规律和数值模拟技术的基础上,考虑影响低渗透油 藏渗流规律的两个主要因素,即应力敏感性和启动压力梯度,对这两个因素作出合理的 数学描述,建立符合三维三相低渗透油藏的数学模型,利用 IMPES 方法对其进行求解, 使用 Fortran 语言对其进行编程,编制出正确的低渗透油藏三维三相数值模拟程序。首先, 对自编程序的合理性进行检验,分别用自编程序和 ECLIPSE 对常规理想油藏模型进行模 拟,模拟结果非常吻合,因此自编程序是完全正确的;其次,分别对只考虑启动压力梯 度和应力敏感因素的低渗透油藏进行数值模拟,得到考虑启动压力梯度对产能的影响比 较大,并且随着启动压力梯度的增大,油藏的日产油量和采出程度逐渐减小,考虑应力 敏感因素同样对产能有明显影响,并且随着应力敏感系数的增大,低渗透油藏储层的渗 透率受到的损害增大,其日产油量和采出程度逐渐减小;最后,对同时考虑启动压力梯 度和应力敏感因素的低渗透油藏进行数值模拟,得知其加剧了对产能的影响,并且可以 得到启动压力梯度对产能的影响大于应力敏感因素对产能的影响。 关 键 词:低渗透油藏,数值模拟,应力敏感,启动压力梯度 论文类型:基础研究 II 英文摘要 Subject:The Research on Numerical Simulation of Low Permeability Reservoir Speciality:Oil Gas Field Development Engineering Name:Sun Jian (signature) Instructor: Chen Mingqiang( signature ) Abstract The sharp increase of oil and gas resources consumption all over the world lead to the sharp decrease of medium-high permeability reservoirs. Low-permeability reservoirs have been found in succession. However, low-permeability reservoirs have the feature of three low. Its porous flow rules is correspond to the Darcys law in fact, and the porous flow rules is nonlinear. Therefore, the research of a new numerical simulation program which is to be corresponded to the porous flow in low-permeability reservoir is necessary. Based on detailed investigation of flow in low permeability reservoirs and numerical simulation technology, taking stress sensitivity and starting pressure gradient into consideration, this research makes a reasonable mathematical description of these two factors and establishes a mathematical model which correspond to three-phase three-dimensional low permeability reservoir. This research uses the IMPES method to solve the equation and uses Fortran language to program. To develop a proper three-phase three-dimensional numerical sim


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