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地区宽命网设计方案 YS86243
本文针对铁通公司宽带网发展现状,结合宽带技术发展情 况,对鹤壁铁通宽带网建设进行了研究。论文首先分析了 觉 带城 域网建设的现状,结合鹤壁铁通宽带发展所遇到的具体问题,通 过调研和对宽带技术的深入学习、分析,给出了鹤壁铁通宽带城 域网建设原则。
之后,论文对宽带城域网建设的组网模式及网络布局进行了 详细的研究。论文把宽带城域网技术从体系结构、骨 干 网建设、 汇接层建设、接入层建设四个方面分别进行了论述,并结合鹤壁 铁通实际情况,对各项技术的具体运用进行了详细的比较、分析, 给出了较合理运用的建议。结合技术原理、客户需求,综合比较 各厂商设备性能、价格因素,对鹤壁铁通宽带网建设中的设备选 型问题进行了论述,分别论述了骨干路由交换机的选型、接入服 务器的选型, DSCAM 设备的选型。
随后,论文从鹤壁市 实际情况 出发,结合鹤壁铁通 已有的设
备及光缆情况,给出了鹤壁市光纤接入网的设计方案,并于最后 对鹤壁铁通宽带城域网业务进行了简单的介绍。
本论文对宽带网建设中的体系结构,骨干层建设,汇接层建 设、接入层建设、设备选型等的讨论,意在通过对技术的分析, 涉及一套切实可行的鹤壁铁通宽带网建设方案,为鹤壁铁通今后 宽带网的建设发展提供一定程度上的依据。
关键词: 宽带技术
荣?每千17-137 、tffpjCJ; 如
1 j严 丘).. :γ,\#;
士-J 1= J . A 忌,、
地区宽带网设计方 案
This article mainly discusses the construct i on of broadband metropolitan area network of Hebi ,aiming at the development of China Railway Communicatìon Co.Ltd , combining the development of broadband technology.
First ,it ana]yzes the actuality of broadband metropolitan area networks construction and provides the construction principles for
it through deep study and analysis ,combinlng the problems
encountered during the development of broadband metropolitan area network.
Secondly,it discusses the construction model and the
distrìbution of broadband metropolitan area network in detai l.It discusses the broadband metropolitan area network technology from four aspects including architecture ,the construction of skeleton layer,the construction of assemble layer and the construction of access layer. And it detailed compares and analyzes the applications of these technolùgies ,provides useful advices combining the actuality of broadband metropolitan area networks
construction of Hebi. It discusses the selection of equipments
considering the technology and the consum 町s demands , comparing the performances and prices of different equipments . The selection of the skeleton router,the access server and the DSCAM equipment are also discussed.
Subsequently,this paper provides the designing scheme of
fiber acce
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