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He got up ____ late ____ he missed the bus. ________ she wants to go to Paris, she doesn’t want to fly. (变同义句) ________ he is old, he is very strong. (同义句) Homework 4. …, but I couldn’t hand it in. ……, 但是我交不了(作业)。 hand in指把物品“上交”,反义短语是hand out,把物品“分发”出去 。 We can help the teacher hand out the exam papers. 我们可以帮老师分发试卷。 I want you both to?hand in?your exercise-book today. 我要你们俩今天把练习本交上来。 Tips for teacher Let the word fly板块是帮助学生学 习一些一词多义、熟词生义的词汇。 通过此环节,学生可以对一些常见 词的用法、意思有一个透彻的了解。 Let the word fly (使)食物烧焦 晒黑 烫伤 消耗(脂肪) (灯)开着,发亮 燃烧; 烧着 burn 1. (使)食物烧焦 I’d probably watch television and then burn the soup. 我也许会在看电视时把汤给烧焦了。 2. 燃烧; 烧着 A fire was burning in the hearth, our house was warm. 壁炉里面烧着火, 我们的房子是温暖的。 3. (灯)开着; 发亮 Sara left all the lights burning. 萨拉让所有的灯都开着。 4. 消耗(脂肪) To change your body shape you need to burn calories. 要改变你的体形,你需要消耗热量。 5. 烫伤 The sand was so hot it burnt my feet. 沙子非常热,烫伤了我的脚。 6. 晒黑 Wear a hat so you don’t burn your neck. 戴上帽子,这样你不会把脖子晒黑。 活学活用 从上面给出的例句我们可以看到burn 的含义很丰富, 口语中更是随处可见它的身影。与burn相关的搭配也很丰富, 大家想一想与burn相关的搭配或口语表达, 选择几个进行造句或对话练习。 Writing Write a passage about what you can do and what you cannot do when your parents are away. Step 1: Read the passage again and make lists of what Zheng Chenyu does when his parents are away. I can wake up on time. I cannot make breakfast. Step 2: Make a list of what you can do and cannot do when your parents are away. Step 3: Now join the sentences with although, but or so… that. Step 5: Share your passage with your classmates. I will miss my parents, but I think I can look after myself very well. Step 4: Write a conclusion to the sentences. I can wake up on time, although I cannot make breakfast. When you write your passage, you can start with a question. Think of your first answer to it, and think of an example. Then think of the opposite answer, and think of an example as well. Try to present both answers and then write a conclusion. 1. on business 2. hand in 3. unable to do sth. 4. I liked the games s


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