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2013 年 12 月,第 19 卷,第 4 期,655-660页 高 校 地 质 学 报
December 2013,Vol. 19,No.4, p. 655-660 Geological Journal of China Universities
1 2 2 2 2
陈安定 ,朱有信 ,漆建华 ,张 磊 ,王 鹏
1. 中国石油化工股份有限公司 江苏油田分公司 地质科学研究院,扬州 225009;
2. 中国石油天然气总公司 吐哈油田公司勘探开发研究院,哈密 839009
造沉降有关的沉积旋回、A/S 配置特征;分界则与地震剖面上的“地层界面”吻合,实际代表了地层超覆、地层削蚀,新一
中图分类号:P536 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-7493(2013)04-0655-06
Condensed Gamma Logging Curve Used for Stratigraphic Division and
Correlation of Exploration Wells
CHEN Anding1 ZHU Youxin2 QI Jianhua2 ZHANG Lei2 WANG Peng2
1. Geological Research Institute of Jiangsu Oilfield Company, SINOPEC, Yangzhou 225009, China;
2. Research Institute of Exploration and Development of Tu-Ha Oilfield Company, CNPC, Hami 839009, China
Abstract: A new approach, condensed gamma curve, that is appropriate for stratigraphic division and correlation of exploratory
wells in continental basins is proposed in this paper, and has been applied in the southern Turgay basin. The condensed gamma
curve is compressed vertically and magnified transversely to show curve dislocations and the natural segmentations. Natural
segmentations are determined based on trend continuity of condensed gamma curve and other logging information, and are
verified by bed boundaries on seismic profiles. Analyses reveal that each natural section corresponds to “group formation”, and