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WORD格式整理 PAGE 1 专业技术参考资料 WORD格式整理 专业技术参考资料 UDC SH STANDARDS FOR INDUSTRIES OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA P SH 3007―1999 CODE FOR THE DESIGN OF TANK FARMS IN PETROCHEMICAL STORAGE AND TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM (石油化工储运系统罐区设计规范) Issued on 1999 - 04– 15 Implemented as of 1999–09 - 01 Issued by State Bureau of Petroleum and Chemical Industry 专业技术参考资料 Code For the Design of Tank Farms in Petrochemical Storage and Transportation System CONTENTS 1. General 2.Selection of Tanks 2.1 Capacity of tanks 2.2 Selection of tank types 2.3 Number of tanks 3. Accessories and Instruments of Storage Tanks 3.1 Accessories of storage tanks 3.2 Instruments 4. Arrangement and Installation 4.1 Arrangement of tanks 4.2 Installation of accessories 4.3 Installation of instruments 4.4 Installation of piping 5. Corrosion Prevention and Miscellaneous Notes of Wording Attachment: Specifications of Articles WORD格式整理 专业技术参考资料 WORD格式整理 专业技术参考资料 1. General 1.0.1 This code is applied to the design for the new construction project of ground steel storage tank yards in the storage and transportation system for the liquid feedstock, liquid products and the by- product liquid materials of petrochemical enterprises, and it is also applicable to expanded and rehabilitation projects as a reference. For the design of ground steel storage tank yard for the oil depot, this code shall be used for reference. 1.0.2 This code is not applicable to the design of low-temperature and normal-pressure storage tank yard for the liquid hydrocarbon. 1.0.3 When implementing this code, the stipulations made in the relevant mandatory standards and specific


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