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崔小mi 修改内容:加入下文1.3研宄目的 和1.4研宄方法(已经用红字标出) 这两个小章节,要求要跟论文切题 ,务必2天内修改完成麻烦写手。 首都师范大学科德学院本科生毕业 论文 《浅析纪录片叙事手法创新--以〈三峡好 人〉和〈东〉为例》 纪录片是对历史记忆的主观在现。由于每个纪录片在创作过程中所记录的事 实存在一定的差异性,所以在进行作品创作的过程中,由于不同拍摄者的视角不 同,其对同样的纪录片在拍摄过程中所呈现出来的叙事视角和叙事效果也存在一 定程度的区别。在纪录片《三峡好人》和《东》的拍摄过程中,虽然这两部作品 都是由贾樟柯导演拍摄的,但由于二者拍摄角度的不同,在进行内容呈现方面的 侧重点也存在一定的差异,所以两者在进行叙事过程中所使用的叙事手法也存在 不同。木文在研究过程中针对《三峡好人》和《东》两部作品的叙事手法展开了 探讨,分析了《三峡好人》和《东》在叙事手法方面的创新。 关键词:《东》;《三峡好人》;贾樟柯;纪录片;叙事手法 Abstract The documentary is on the historical memory of subjective online. In thedocumentary film creation process,since each documentary in the process of the creation of the record the fact there are some differences,so in documentary creation process,due to the different shooting angle is different,the same documentary in the filming process presents the narrative perspective and narrative effect also exists the degree of difference. In the documentary” the good’’ and’’ East” of the filming process,although these two works are directed by Jia Zhangke shooting,but as a result of two different shooting angle,the present contents,there are some differences,so” still life11 and East” in the narrative process the use of narrative techniques are also different. Based on the study of the process for1 good” and” East Valley” two works narrative spread out to discuss,analysed” of good” and” East” in narrative aspects of innovation. Keywords: ” East’’,” good’’,Jia Zhangke gorge,documentary,narrative technique TOC \o 1-5 \h \z 娜 1 HYPERLINK \l bookmark1 \o Current Document \h Abstract 2 弓IW 4 HYPERLINK \l bookmark2 \o Current Document \h 引言 5 HYPERLINK \l bookmark3 \o Current Document \h 第1章纪录片叙事手法及其发展现状 6 HYPERLINK \l bookmark4 \o Current Document \h 1.1国内研宄现状 6 HYPERLINK \l bookmark5 \o Current Document \h 1.2国外研究现状 6 HYPERLINK \l bookmark6 \o Current Document \h 1.3研究目的 7 HYPERLINK \l bookmark7 \o Current Document \h 1.4研究方法 7 HYPERLINK \l bookmark8 \o Current Document \h 第2章贾樟柯及其作品的叙事手法分析 8 HYPERLINK \l bookmark9 \o Current Document \h 2.1



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