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浅析王家卫电影艺术创作特色 王家卫导演是当今华语影坛一位万众瞩目的导演,自第一部执导影片《旺角卡门》问 世以来,他的电影在香港、大陆、台湾甚至是西方国家都受到强烈的反响。在王家卫导演的 影片中,他凭借着极具个人色彩的影像处理方式,和富有独特意味的影片风格建立起一套独 属于他的电影语言,在他的影片中既能看出他区别于其他电影人的独特之处,又能看出他自 身的统一特征。 论文分为三个部分:第一部分主要是对王家卫所处的时代背景进行探究,结合时代背景 分析王家卫电影特别的根源,第二部分重点剖析王家卫电影的独特之处,着重的对影片的人 物塑造、叙事结构进行分析,从这一部分就可以得出王家卫电影独特之处;第三部分主要是 对电影中的视听语言进行分析,着重的对作品中的构图、色彩、声音、光影进行分析,这一 部分主要是根据电影中的表象来深挖电影中所蕴含的的导演特色。 关键词:创作背景、后现代、视听语言 Features of Wong KarWai film art Abstract Chinese director Wong Karwai is today a much-anticipated film director, since the first directed film nAs Tears Go By,” the advent of his films in Hong Kong, mainland China,Taiwan and even the Western countries have been strong reactions. In the director Wong Karwai’s film,by virtue of his very personal way of color image processing and full of unique style movie meant to establish a single part of his film language, both in his films to see him different from other unique filmmakers,but also to see the unity of his own characteristics. Thesis is divided into three parts: The first part is the background against which Wong Karl be explored,especially combined with the background analysis of the root causes of Wong KarWai film, the second part focuses on the analysis is unique in Wong KarWai film, the film focuses on the characterization narrative structure analysis can be drawn from this part of Wong KarWai film is unique; the third part is the visual language of the film is analyzed, focusing on the work of composition, color, sound,light and shadow to analyze this The main part of the movie is based on the representation to ferret movie director inherent characteristics. Keyword: Creative background、Postmodern、Visual language 序言 错误!未定义书签。 一、 王家卫电影的创作背景 错误!未定义书签。 1.1历史背景 错误!未定义书签。 1.2文化背景 错误!未定义书签。 二、 王家卫电影创作的视听语言特色 错误!未定义书签。 2.1分崩离析的构阁 错误!未定义书签。 2.2多彩多样的色彩 错误!未定义书签。 2.3样式多变的声音 错误!未定义书签。 2.3.1美轮美奂的咅乐 错误!未定义书签。 2.3.2不可替代的画外音 错误!未定义书签。 2.4唯美的光影效果 错误!未定义书签。 三、 王家卫电影创作中的后现代特色 错误!未定义书签。 3.1后现代人物塑造特色 错误!未定义书签。 3.1.1边缘化的人物 错误!未定义书签。 3.1.2零散化的人



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