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浅析科技公司企业文化建设 [ ]企业文化是企业在长期的生产经营过程屮所形成的,为全体员工所遵守和信奉的 价值观念,基本信念和行为准则。企业文化作为企业的灵魂,是企业持续发展的精神支柱和 动力源泉,是企业核心竞争力的重耍组成部分。重庆能源集团科技宥限责任公司是2009年新 组建的具冇能源特色的科技企业,建设先进的企业文化是科技公司以质量求生存,以产品树 形象,以创新促发展,建成丙部一流迈向全网科研企业的迫切需要;是发挥党的政治优势、 建设高素质员工队伍、促进员工全面发展的必然选择;是提高管理水平、增强凝聚力和打造 核心竞争力的战略举措。笔者根据自己所在的科技公句企业文化建设发展现状,为进一步探 讨打造具宥能源科技特色的企业文化,促进和推进现代企业建设进程,实现可持续发展,以 形成与能源集团企、Ik文化相统一,又具冇科技特色的管理风格和道德规范,造就出员工井冇 的理想信念、价值取向、行为准则等宝贵精祌财富。 [关键字]科技企业企业文化建设思路 The building of enterprise culture of company of science and technology [Abstract] The enterprise culture is formed in the long-term production and management process, which are observed by all employees and the values,beliefs and behavior criterion. The corporate culture is the soul of enterprise, is the spiritual pillar of sustainable development and power source, is an important part of core competitiveness of enterprises. Chongqing energy group technology limited liability company is in 2009 the newlyestablished with the energy characteristics of the science and technology enterprises, the construction of advanced enterprise culture is the company to the quality of survival, to the product image, to promote the development of innovation, build the west towards the first-class scientific research enterprise urgent need; is to play the political advantage of the party, the construction of high-quality staff team, to promote the all-round development of the inevitable choice; is to improve the management level,enhance the cohesion and to build the core competitiveness of strategic initiatives. According to the corporate culture development status of theircompany, for the further study of building with energy science and technology characteristics of the corporate culture,promote and push forward the process of building a modern enterprise, the realization of sustainable development, to form a unified and energy group enterprise culture, management style and ethics also has thecharacteristic of science and technology,creating a common ideal employe



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