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随着国民经济持续平稳发展,有些经营者意识到现有人员能力水平与企业发展战略对人 员能力要求的矛盾日益突出,从而开始重视企业培训。通过企业培训可以堉强员工与企业的 应对能力,在纷繁多变的环境面前更加自如的生存与发展。木文主要通过分析M公司培训中 存在的问题,如公司管理层对培训工作不重视,培训之前不做培训需求分析,培训执行过程 屮相关人员工作责任界定不清,配合不默契,培训达不到预期的效果等。 针对存在的问题木文提出相应的解决对策是结合培训收益分析,进行培训需求分析与预 测,设计使知识、技能和态度三者相结合的课程体系;培训必须与企业的战略目标和外部环 境保持动态适应;运用虚拟项目管理模式,有效界定角色问题;有效区分教育和培训区别, 采用多种方式手段保证培训效果;建立完善的培训制度体系,并使培训与其他招聘、薪酬、 福利等人力资源工作内容和结合,能够有效保障培训工作的完整性和延续性。 关键词:培训需求;企业战略;培训制度;规范 Abstract With the sustained development of national economy,some operators are aware of the increasingly prominent contradictions on human capacity requirements between the existing level of staff capacity and business development strategies,thereby they start paying attention to corporate training. Corporate training can improve the response capability of the employees and the company under the numerous and varied environment,so as to exist and development more comfortably. This article aims to analyze the training problems of M company, for examples,the company’s management not attaching importance to training,not having analysis on training needs,not clearly define of responsibility for related people,not achieving the desired training effect,and all those problems might lead to poor training effect and not standardized training system. The article puts up a corresponding solution on these problems,that is to design a training system to combine the training benefit analysis and training needs analysis,to make the knowledge,skills and attitudes fully combined. Training must be adaptable to company strategic objectives and the external environment; using virtual project management, effectively define the role of the problem; effectively distinguish the difference between education and training, using a variety of ways means to ensure the effectiveness of training; establish and improve the system of training system,to make training integrated with other recruitment,salaries,fringe benefits and other human resources, and finally to effectively protect the in


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