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浅谈如何构建成长型软件企业的招聘体系 以Z公司为例 [ ]随着市场经济改革深入,企业竞争口益激烈,企业核心竞争力竞争 已由产品、资本等优势的竞争,逐步转化为人力资源优势的竞争,尤其在成长型 软件企业表现更为突出,而人力资源优势的竞争与公司招聘体系完善与否密切关 联。木文将结合某软件公司为例,阐述如何构建成长型软件企业的招聘体系。 [关键词]成型软件企业结构化面试行为描述面试招聘体系 Talking about how to bui Id a growing software companies recruitment system Taking Z company as an example [Abstract] As the market economy reforms depth, an increasingly competitive business, competitive core competitiveness of enterprises by competitive products, capital and other advantages, gradually transformed into competitive advantages in human resources, especially in the growing software companies become more prominent, and the Human Resources competitive advantage and corporate recruitment system is perfect or not closely related. This will combine a software company, for example, describes how to build a growing software companies in the recruitment system. [Key word] Growing software companies Structured Interview Behavior description interviews Recruitment System TOC \o 1-5 \h \z HYPERLINK \l bookmark7 \o Current Document \h 一、 构建成长型软件企业招聘体系重要性 1 HYPERLINK \l bookmark5 \o Current Document \h (一) 成长型软件企业介绍 1 HYPERLINK \l bookmark6 \o Current Document \h (二) 成长型软件企业特点 2 (三) 构建成K型企业招聘体系重要性 2 HYPERLINK \l bookmark8 \o Current Document \h 二、 成长型软件企业招聘体系现状分析 3 HYPERLINK \l bookmark9 \o Current Document \h (-)工作分析不到位,工作岗位说明书缺失 3 HYPERLINK \l bookmark10 \o Current Document \h (二) 选用标准不明确,主观随意性大 3 HYPERLINK \l bookmark11 \o Current Document \h (三) 人力资源规划不足,无法实现需求有效管控 4 HYPERLINK \l bookmark12 \o Current Document \h (四) 招聘需求确认随意,渠道选择不甚理想 4 HYPERLINK \l bookmark13 \o Current Document \h (五) 面试官面试技巧薄弱,企业形象维护欠缺 4 HYPERLINK \l bookmark14 \o Current Document \h (六) 面试流程不周到 4 HYPERLINK \l bookmark15 \o Current Document \h 三、 成长型软件企业招聘体系构建措施 5 HYPERLINK \l bookmark16 \o Current Document \h (一) 深入开展工作分析,制作岗位说明书 5 HYPERLINK \l bookmark17 \o Current Document \h (二) 明确企业选用标准,侧重隐性胜任特征 5 HYPERLINK \l bookmark18 \o Current Document \h (三) 进行人力资源规划,有效管控人员需求 6 HYPERLINK \l



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