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中秋节? ?the Mid-autumn Festival 月饼 ? ?mooncakes 团圆 ? ?reunion 圆月 ? ? the full moon 赏月 ? ?enjoy the full moon 月饼(moon cake) 月饼(moon cake)的味道 最常见的月饼口味有 sweet bean paste 豆沙 jujube英[d?u:d?u:b] paste 枣泥 lotus seed paste 莲蓉 five kernel英[?k?:nl] 五仁 five kernel(五仁) 花生(peanut) 核桃(walnut seed) 瓜子(watermelon seed) 杏仁(almond) 松子(pine nut) 传统月饼 traditional styles 苏式月饼 Suzhou-style mooncakes 京式月饼 Beijing-style mooncakes 滇式月饼 Yunnan-style mooncakes 广式月饼 Cantonese-style mooncakes 低糖月饼 low-sugar mooncake 无脂月饼 fat-free mooncake 冰皮月饼 snow skin mooncake 1.moon away 虚度时光 2.over the moon 欣喜若狂 3.aim/level at the moon 想入非非, 野心太大 4.as changeable as the moon 象月亮一样善变,反复无常 5.bark at the moon 空嚷嚷,徒劳,枉费心机 [l?:?l] * Mid-autumn Festival one of the four _____________ Chinese festivals: the Spring Festival Tomb-sweeping Day Dragon-boat Festival traditional lunar the 15th day of the eighth _______ month 冰激凌月饼 ice-cream mooncake Hou Yi shoots down nine suns. 后羿射日 Chang’e flies to the moon. 嫦娥奔月 Wu Gang cuts the laurel.英[l?r?l] 吴刚伐桂 Wuyan worships the moon. 无盐拜月 Customs Reunion Appreciate the Moon Worship the Moon Eat the Mooncake Rabbit Master 英[p?m?l??] Pomelo Lantern Fire-dragon Dance Qiantang Tide The Poems As the moon rises above the sea, we share the same time though we are far apart. The Poems 但愿人长久,千里共婵娟。 ________ the people live forever, and _________ the moon shine across vast distances together. May share Spring Festival, Tomb-sweeping Day, Dragon-boat Festival, Mid-autumn Day *



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