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毕业设计说明书 扬声器模具设计 班 级: 学号: 软件学院姓 名: 软件学院 软件工程学 院: 软件工程 史源源 黄志诚专 业: 史源源 黄志诚 指导教师: 2014年 6 月 扬声器模具设计 摘 要 现代模具工业有“不衰亡工业”之称。世界模具市场总体上供不应求,市场需求量维持在600亿至650亿美元,同时,我国的模具产业也迎来了新一轮的发展机遇。近几年,我国模具产业总产值保持13%的年增长率。另外,电子和通讯产品对模具的需求也非常大,目前中国17000多个模具生产厂点,从业人数约50多万。 冲压是靠压力机和模具对板材、带材、管材和型材等施加外力,使之产生塑性变形或分离,从而获得所需形状和尺寸的工件(冲压件)的成形加工方法。冲压主要是按工艺分类,可分为分离工序和成形工序两大类。 本设计是在对冲压技术及模具的发展概况、模具新技术的发展趋势、国内外扬声器的模具加工方法深入了解的基础上,对扬声器底盘进行冲压模具的设计。 关键词:扬声器,冲压,模具,CAD The speaker mold design Abstract Modern mold industry has no industrial decline, said. The whole world dies market demand market demand remained at 60 billion to 65 billion U.S. dollars, while Chinas mold industry has also ushered in a new round of development opportunities. In recent years, Chinas mold industry output to maintain 13% annual growth. In addition, the demand for electronics and communication products mold is also very large, currently more than 17,000 Chinese mold manufacturer points, the number of employees to about 50 million. Stamping presses and dies is by applying for plates, strips, tubes and profiles and other external forces, so that the plastic deformation or separation, to obtain the desired shape and size of the work piece (stamping) forming processing methods. Stamping is mainly classified according to the process, the separation process can be divided into two categories, and forming processes. The design is in the overview of the development of technology and stamping dies, molds development trends of new technologies, domestic and international speaker mold processing method based on a deep understanding of the speaker chassis stamping die design. Keywords: speaker, stamping, die, CAD 目 录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \u HYPERLINK \l _Toc391542718 1 绪论 PAGEREF _Toc391542718 \h 1 HYPERLINK \l _Toc391542719 1.1 模具行业的发展现况及市场前景 PAGEREF _Toc391542719 \h 1 HYPERLINK \l _Toc391542720 1


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