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初中英语二年级上册 Revision Of Units1-4 students 中考 链接 复习 过程 每日 一句 教学 目标 世上无难事 只要肯登攀 All the students can Most of the students can Master the useful words and phrases By the end of the class, Recite some important sentences and master language points on the paper. Practice writing,listening, reading and speaking skills. Solve some more difficult problems to practice reading skills. 复习 目标 Practice Writing Reading Listening Speaking Writing Important expressions 1.shop→____(n.)买东西 2.sun → _____(adj.) 3.terrible → ____(adv.) 4.lie → _____(现在分词)躺 5.surprise → ____(adj.)感到惊讶的 → _____(adj.)令人惊奇的 6.high → ____(n.) 7.popular → _____(反义词) 8.dream → ____(n.)空想家 9.two → ____(adv.) 两次,两倍→ ____(序数词) 10.health → ____(adj.) → _____(反义词) 11.different → _____(n.) → ____(反义词) 12.maybe → ____(近义词) shopping sunny terribly lying surprised surprising height unpopular dreamer twice second healthy unhealthy difference same perhaps Phrases 1.talk on the phone2.go to the movies3.wait for 4.play computer games 5.on vacation 6.take a photo 7.look at 8.have a good time 9.look like 10.medium height 11.a little bit 12.medium build 13.on weekends14.go shopping 15.how often 16.as for 17.twice a week 18.begood for19look after 20the same as 21be different from 基础知识 单词拼写 5分 单项选择 15分 翻译句子 6分 中考 链接 Homework (1 min) 1.Revise grammar.(现在进行时) 2.Read passages(3a) on your books. 3.《中考备战策略》完型填空 5


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