
医学图像处理 par件t01-intro.ppt

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医学图像处理 par件t01-intro

Introduction Ke Li Department of Biomedical Engineering Shenyang University of Technology 教师信息 Introduction Course information Course contents Why learn it? What to learn? How to learn? Introduction Course Name: Medical Image Processing Specialty: biomedical engineering Teaching period: 48 hours - teaching hours: 44 hours - experimental hours : 4+4 hours Introduction 数字图像处理(英文版 第二版).[美]Rafael C. Gonzalez. 电子工业出版社,2002. 医学图像处理与分析. 罗述谦. 科学出版社,2003. Introduction One image is worth more than ten thousands words – an important media Image is never perfect (quality, size, etc) Blur Noise Distortion (radiometric, geometric) Color decay, contrast … Introduction The amount of image generated everyday Military (NASA, Air Force, Army, etc) Medical (From film to digital hospital, telemedicine) Law enforcement (finger print, face recognition, video surveillance) Civilian (industry inspection) Automatic processing of images Image retrieval Automatic segmentation Automatic detection Automatic recognition (OCR, ATR) Introduction Image improvement – low level IP Improvement of pictorial information for human interpretation (Improving the visual appearance of images to a human viewer ) Image analysis – high level IP Processing of scene data for autonomous machine perception (Preparing images for measurement of the features and structures present , with application to image data storage, transmission, and representation) Introduction Image processing Computer graphics Image processing Computer vision Image processing Pattern recognition Introduction A distinction definition of IP The input and output of the process is an image. Hyper Dictionary () Image processing -IP: Computer manipulation of images Computer graphics -CG: The pictorial representation and manipulation of data by a computer Computer vision -CV: A branch of artificial intelligence and image processing concerned with computer processing of images from the real world. Pattern recognition-PR: aim


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