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复旦教育论坛 2018 年第16 卷第1 期 Fudan Education Forum 2018. Vol.16,No.1 ·新 论· 体制与机制:高校内部权力制约与监督 ———基于39 所高校巡视反馈文本的主题分析 黄 帅,姜 华,苏永建 ( 大连理工大学高等教育研究院,辽宁大连116024) 摘要:以教育部党组各巡视组对39 所高校进行巡视后的反馈文本为一手资料,利用主题分析法,由问 题探寻原因,从事实归纳主题。研究表明:部分高校存在党委领导弱化、权责不对等、程序遵从弱、信息不透 明、监控薄弱和问责不力等内部权力运行的核心问题。在坚持“党委领导下的校长负责制”体制下,建立权 责、程序、透明、监控和问责的机制,做到权责统一、程序正当、信息透明、监控有效和问责到位,并实现有效 的闭环,才能够实现对高校内部的权力进行有效的制约与监督。 关键词:高校权力;制约与监督;巡视反馈;主题分析;体制机制 DOI:10.13397/j.cnki.fef.2018.01.003 System and Mechanism: The Restriction and Supervision over Internal Power Operation of HEIs —Based —— on the Thematic Analysis of the Feedback Report on the Inspection Tours of 39 Universities HUANG Shuai, JIANG Hua, SU Yong-jian (Graduate School of Education, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian 116024, Liaoning, China) Abstract: This study conducts a thematic analysis of the feedback report on the inspection tours of 39 universities made by CPC leading party group of ministry of education. It is found out that key issues on internal power operation, such as the weakening of the party committees leadership, the non-equivalence of power and responsibilities, the non -conformity of procedures, the opacity of information, the weakness of restriction and supervision and poor accountability, exist in some universities. In the framework of the principal accountability system under the leadership of the Party committee, it is imperative to establish a series of mechanisms featured by the balance of power and responsibilities, the proper procedure, the transparency of information, the efficiency of restriction and supervision and the accountability in place through a close loop, so as to ensure effective restriction and supervision over internal power ope


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