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摘要Web服务是目前互联网的发展热点,不少不同行业的大企业都在 摘要 Web服务是目前互联网的发展热点,不少不同行业的大企业都在 联合研究它的使用和推广,几个处于领导地位的计算机公司正在加紧 开发支持该架构的平台软件,相关产品正陆续推出。web服务技术作 为对CORBA、EJB和COM的延伸必将有更广泛和更有价值的应用前 景。web服务技术也将深刻改变软件的开发、发布和使用的方式,它 正以其开放、简单、跨平台、低代价集成等优点引起相关研究人员和 应用开发人员的重视。 不过在传统的web服务体系结构中,服务的发布与发现都是以一 个服务注册中心为基础的,服务注册中心是系统中潜在的瓶颈而且如 果服务注册中心失效则整个系统瘫痪。在P2P网络模型中,所有的节 点处于同等的地位,既是客户端,又是服务器。我们认为把P2P的思 想与Web服务结合起来,可以有效地解决Web服务的瓶颈性问题和单 点失效问题。 本文介绍了基于P2P的web服务的架构,并在此基础上提出了三 种基于P2P的Web服务模型,详细阐述了在这三种模型中,服务发布、 服务发现、加入节点、删除节点的方法,分析比较了这三种模型的性 能,指出了各自的适用范围。最后将基于P2P的web服务与传统Web 服务比较,指出了基于P2P的W曲服务的优势,并对基于P2P的Web 服务的前景做了展望。 关键词:web服务,P2P,路由表,Chord协议,XML ABSTRACTWeb ABSTRACT Web services are the new hotspot of present Interact development. Many enterprises coming from different domain join together to study its use and development,and several enterprises at the leadership position are developing platform to support this architecture,and the relative products are being promoted one after another.The Web Service technology regarded as the expand of CORBA,EJB and COM will certainly have more widespread and valuable application prospect.The Web services technology will also change the development,the issue and the use method of next generation software.Researchers and the application developers attach importance to its value of opening, simpleness,crossing platform and integration at low cost. But in traditional Web services architecture,service publication and discovery are still based on a centralized server.UDDI is a bottle—neck in the architecture.If UDDI is disabled.the architecture will be failed.In P2P network model,all nodes,clients as well as servers,are peer.We consider the combination of P2P and Web services will solve these problems in the architecture This thesis introduces the architecture of web services based on P2P, and puts forward three kinds of models of web services based on P2P, then elaborates how to publish services,find services,append node and II delete delete node in these models,analyses and


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