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The Study of Control Strategy of High—Voltage Switching Power Supply Based oil PSM Technology Abstraet Recently,with the developmdat of semiconductor technology and power electronics technology,the need for high-voltage and high-power supply become more,especially in some scientific experiments.These experiments asuany have soIm special demands such as hi#一voltage.high-power ete. The pulse step modulation fPSM)technology is the coInbinati呻of the pulse width modulation(PWM)and the step modulation(SM)and it is an important technology which is used in hi曲-voltage,high—power switching power supply system. Conditional power supply system based on PSM technology is made up of several power units and oile of these units works at PWM while others works an on-off state.This strategy is easy t0 work but the unit working at PWM state has more switching loss and brings difficulty to the design ofsystem.Ifwe design every unit at PWM state,it is a great waste and if we design the units in two has difficulty in unification ofstandards. To solve the problems,we use a new control strategy.In this strategy the units work at PWM state in cycle.So the heat distributes to every unit.We call design every unit at the same size.MATLAB is also used t0 improve the control strategy.At last,the advantage ofthis new strategy is verified oil all experimental prototype. Key words:pulsc-step-modulatian;pulse-width-modulation;step-modulation; hi曲-voltage power supply;circulative control 插图清单 图I-1 传统高压直流电源组成框图 。2 图1.2 电力电子技术产生直流高压原理框图 2 图I-3 120Kv/70A的Tokamak-NBl高压开关电源 .3 图l-4 ECRH高压电源电路拓扑之一 .4 圈I-5 ECRH高压电源电路拓扑之二 ..4 图l-6 基于PSM技术的高压开关电源主电路拓扑 5 图2.1 基于SM技术的高压开关电源主电路拓扑及其输出电压波形 lO 图2.2 开关电源模块单元 .11 图2.3 基于sM/PsM技术的高压开关电源主电路拓扑 ll 图2-4 形状不同而冲量相同的各种窄脉冲 12 图2.5 基于PSM技术的开关电源输出电压波形 ~13 图2.6 (a)PWM变换器输出电压波形(b)PSM变换器输出电压波形 14 图3.1 PSM高压电源系统传统控制原理框图 17 图3.2 电源循环PWM控制原理框图 18 图3-3 电源系统循环控制单元的电路结构框图 ..19 ???3-4 典型BUCK电路 .. .20 图3-5 基于PSM高压电源系统反馈网络 .20 图3-6 基于PWM技术高压开关电源系统动态结构图 .2l 图3.7 电源模块循环驱动波形



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