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万方数据 中文摘要 车牌识别系统作为智能化交通管理系统的重要组成部分,已经越来越受到人 们的重视,同时它也是计算机视觉、模式识别以及图像处理技术在智能交通管理 领域中的研究热点。 本文通过查阅大量文献,结合前人的工作基础与研究成果,搭建了一套车牌 识别系统,该系统包括:首先使用车牌定位算法对车牌图片进行图像分割,提取 出所有可能包含车牌的区域,接着使用支持向量机对所有分割出的图像区域进行 分类,通过预测函数返回有效的车牌区域;然后将定位得到的车牌图像进行字符 分割和字符识别,包括使用 OCR 算法检测车牌上的每个字符并将字符提取出来, 然后使用训练好的人工神经网络对字符进行识别。 本系统采用 VS2010 开发工具,结合 C 语言和 OpenCV 库函数对车牌识别系 统进行编程设计,完成车牌图像的定位与识别,实验结果比较令人满意。 关键词:车牌定位;车牌???别;OpenCV;支持向量机;人工神经网络 ABSTRACT License plate recognition system as an important part of intelligent traffic management system has attracted more and more peoples attention, and at the same time, it is also a hot research topic of computer vision, pattern recognition and image processing technology in the field of intelligent traffic management. This paper has conducted the thorough research through reading a large number of literatures, combined with previous work and research results. Firstly, the main work of License plate localization algorithm is image segmentation, extracting all possible region of license plate, then using support vector machines for all segmented image regions for training classification and returning a valid license plate region by predicting function. Next, the main work of License plate recognition algorithm is character segmentation and character recognition, by using OCR algorithm to detect each character and extract them from the plate region, then using the artificial neural network to train and recognize all the characters. In this system, using the VS2010 as the development tools, combined with the C language and OpenCV library functions to program the License plate recognition system, completed the work of license plate location and recognition, improved the accuracy of the license plate recognition system. Key words:plate localization;plate recognition;OpenCV;Support Vector Machines; Artificial Neural Network 目 录  HYPERLINK \l _bookmark0 第一章 绪论....................................................1  HYPERLINK \l _bookmark1 1.1 课题研究背景及意义 ..........



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