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ABSTR ABSTR ACT ABSTRACT The Email system makes people communicating with each other much easier than everbefore,butitalsobrings anowproblemtoUS—agreatnumberofSparemails.Ifan email fills in a personal mailbox without permission,it is a spam mail.Normally,spam mails ale sent in a batch.Spare mails have wasted many network“器ource。disturbed personal communication,made the network unsafe.It is also used to spread virus 01 lawless information.Mail filtering cuts ofthe Spare mails and brings useful mails to the USel. This paper describes a鼬lework of anti-Spare based on postfix,the mail soivor and bridge-firewalling.The framework can send and receive mails,filter the spam mails 011 some basic rules,and more complex filtering method could be researched and practiced On it.User Can transparently add a mail—filtering node behind the gateway, with out changing any network parameter.As a result of basing on Linux and postfix, the framework also has these features:security,stability,compatibility and extensibility. Cooperating with the console,it Can also automatically identify the vicious user and update the blacklist and the rules in real time. Firstly,the paper gives an introduction to the background ofthe whole subject,and what to do ill the subject.Secondly,it analyzes the requirement and makes general design,and brings forward the hardware and soRware framework.Thirdly,it describes how to implement the framework On a naked PC.Finally,it discusses 011 some key problems that may appear while implementing the framework,including how to solve them and some possible improvements. Keywords:Anti·Spam,Filtering,Liunx,postfix,bridge-fuewalling Ⅱ 修改提纲根据各位评审老师的意见,本人对论文的内容安排进行了大幅度的调整。 修改提纲 根据各位评审老师的意见,本人对论文的内容安排进行了大幅度的调整。 1.将分散在各章的可行性研究报告提出,做为第二章 2.将分散在各章的需求分析提出,作为第三章 3.将分散在各章的理论基础提出,作为第六章 4.将涉及软件架构实现的原第四~八章,合并为第七章 5.新增部分测试数据和结果,作为第九章 6.删除原7.4节正则表达式 7.删除原8.1节MySQL简介 8.修正了一些排版和字体问题 篡秘指导老师删、 答辩主席:—泵五—峄 日期:妒7’(·7 独创性声明本人声明所呈交的学位论文是本人在导师指导下进行的研究工 独创性声明 本人声明所呈交的学位论文是本人在导师指导下进行的研究工 作及取得的研



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