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2018-2019学年山西省汾阳中学高一上学期第一次月考 英语试卷 (考试时间100分钟,总分150分) 题号 I II III IV V VI 总分 得分 一、阅读理解(本大题共15小题,共45.0分) A When we were very small, we realized that having friends was important. Some of us even had imaginary(想象中的)friends. The need for friends continued as we grew into our teens. Friends played a big part in forming our personalities(性格). As adults,it is still important for us to have friends. ??? True friends are people who like us though we made mistakes and who listen to us and tell us the truth. Friends support our decisions and tell us when we?re foolish. They laugh with us and share our sadness. They are our partners and share interests with us. They stimulate us when we are feeling down. They are people we aren?t afraid of telling our secret wishes to or what is really on our minds. ??? Friends are our supporters. When you can depend on friends, you feel safe and warm. Friends offer acceptance and emotional(情感的)support. At times, they also help with our everyday lives, cooking a meal, doing chores, or giving us a lift when we need one. Friends also are there to offer advice, an ear to listen, or a shoulder to cry on. ??? Friends also help us reduce stress. Not only do they listen to us when we feel stressed, but they also discuss what is stressing us. Sharing interests and doing activities with friends help us forget about problems at work or at home. For a short time, we can lose ourselves in a pleasant activity and perhaps laugh and breathe more easily. What is the best title for the passage? A. How to Reduce Stress B. How to Make New Friends C. The Importance of Friends D. The Qualities of Good Friends The underlined word ?stimulate? in Paragraph 2 probably means________. A. educate B. encourage C. surprise D. dislike We can learn from the third paragraph that friends always________. A. laugh at us when we?re foolish B. tell us other people?s secrets C. share our sadness and interests D. support us when we need help We can learn from the passage


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