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第一章 货币与货币制度 第一章 货币与货币制度 教学目的与要求 掌握货币职能、各种货币形态的特征、货币制度的基本内容及现行货币制度的内容与特点; 理解货币的本质、货币制度演变的原因及其特点; 了解货币产生和发展的历史及其演变趋势。 教学内容 第一节 货币的起源与发展 第二节 货币的职能 第三节 货币的本质 第四节 货币制度及其演变(★ ★ ★) 第一节 货币的起源与发展 货币起源 货币国定说(亚里士多德、管子) 主要观点:货币是由国家规定和创造的。 商品交易说(亚当·斯密、司马迁) 主要观点:货币在交换过程中自发产生的。 马克思的货币起源理论 简单价值形态?扩大价值形态?一般价值形态?货币形态 货币形态的演变和发展 足值货币 足值货币:又称商品货币。它是指作为交易媒介的价值与作为商品的价值基本一致的货币。 中国最早的货币是贝 视频:商业货币 Some items that have served as money 马克思认为,“金银天然不是货币,但货币天然是金银”。 演变过程 金属块?私人铸币?国家铸币 优点 可防止通货膨胀 金属货币 缺点 第一,在大额交易时,携带大量铸币风险较大; 第二,金属货币在日常流通过程中极易磨损,流通费用较高; 第三,如果交易额小于铸币面值,就难以发挥交换媒介的职能。 代用货币 With increasing specialization and division of labor, societies became more affluent, as well as more dependent on exchange. As these trends accelerated during the industrial revolution, which began in the nineteenth century, the exclusive use of coins as media of exchange became increasingly inconvenient. The weigh and size of coins made them cumbersome to 代用货币 transport, store, and used in transactions involving relatively large amounts of money. For this reason, coins are supplemented with paper money, initially backed 100 percent by the valuable metals. Paper money that attests to ownership of a commodity such as gold or silver is referred to as representative full-bodied money. 代用货币 This form of money was introduced in England during the sixteenth century. Originally, the notes were issued by private firms called goldsmiths and were essentially warehouse receipts acknowledging claim to a certain number of gold or silver, collectable on demand by the bearer of the note. Since these notes could be exchanged for a fixed quantity of metal coins on demand, they soon became as a means of payment as the coins themselves. 代用货币 代用货币是指由政府或银行发行的、代替金属货币执行货币职能的纸制货币。 典型的代用货币是银行券 可随时兑现; 具有发行保证; 早期是分散发行,后集中发行。 代用货币 优点: 节省铸造费用; 容易携带、运输,避免实物货币流通遭受磨损使价值不足而带来的麻烦; 节省流通费用。 缺点: 易伪造和损坏。 代用货币 信用货币 If we are able to receive goods and services in exchange for our money, and if the monetary system is stable and functions


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