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三、常考职业身份 professor secretary doctor boss waiter(ess) repairer, plumber, electrician Key words Teacher-student: scholarship tuition credits registration to quit school to drop out required/ compulsory course optional/elective course term paper make-up exam Librarian-student: fiction, novel reading room library catalogue loan desk reference book stacks shelves to renew 图书目录 图书书库 Shop assistant-customer on sale bargain, steal prices are soaring make ends meet out of style ready-made high-heeled shoes flat shoes pajamas underwears leather plastic pattern tip Cash or charge? Are you done? cashier check-out stand daily necessities receipt Waiter-customer: seasoning (调味) soy sauce vinegar menu steaks pork shops ham pudding sausage dessert soup cocktail tray paper napkin Doctor-patient: hospital register’s office out-patient department emergency department medical department (内科) physician surgical department (外科) surgeon operation room wards high blood pressure, hypertension tonsillitis (扁桃体炎) indigestion pneumonia (肺炎) ulcer (溃疡) hepatitis(肝炎) TB=tuberculosis (肺结核) burns strain itch, itchy sleeplessness/ insomnia to suffer from … to inoculate sb. (打预防针) to give first-aid treatment to be operated on to give an injection stethoscope 听诊器 gauze 纱布 first-aid kit 急救箱 7. 数字信息题 What time did Suzy leave home? How much does one ticket cost? When is the train leaving? 多个数字速记 听清题目 不要直摄答案,需要计算 解题技巧 At 10:30. At 10:25. At 10:40. At 10:45. 04-6 M: So when are the other guys going to get here? The train is leaving in 10 minutes. We can’t wait here forever. W: It’s 10:30 already. They’re supposed to be here by now. I told everyone to meet here by 10:15. Q: when is the train leaving? At 10:30. At 10:25. At 10:40. At 10:45. 三、常考句式 虚拟句式 If… wish … if only … The woman can’t tolerate any noise. The man is looking for an apartment. The man has missed his appointment. The woman is going


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