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Do you feel like a game of tennis? 你想打网球吗? I was so angry that I felt like throwing something at him. 我如此愤怒以致于想用东西砸他。 feel like+ n. / doing sth. 想;想要 翻译下列句子. 1你的手表是不是有点问题? 不,一点问题也没有. 2我周末该去剪头发了. 3我现在想听点音乐.(feel) 4这些建议值得讨论. 5总是有人在网上说大话. 6这老人今天身体状况不错,可以去散散步.(enough) 7 9除以3等于3. 85加3等于几? 99乘于9等于81. 10 40减14等于26.  翻译下列句子. 1你的手表是不是有点问题? 不,一点问题也没有. Is there anything wrong with your watch? No, there is nothing wrong with it. 2我周末该去剪头发了. I should have my hair cut this weekend. 3我现在想听点音乐.(feel) I feel like listening to music now. 4这些建议值得讨论. These suggestions are worth discussing. 5总是有人在网上说大话. There are always ( some) people telling lies on the Internet.   翻译下列句子. 6这老人今天身体状况不错,可以去散散步. The old man is/ feels well enough to go for a walk / have a walk today. 7 9除以3等于3. Nine divided by three is/ equals three. 85加3等于几? What is five and/ plus three? 99乘于9等于81. Nine times nine is/ equals eighty-one. Nine multiplied by nine is / equals eighty-one. 10 40减14等于26. Fourteen subtracted from forty is twenty-six. Forty minus fourteen is/ equals twenty-six.  用英语解释句子. 1 I will not go shopping. I will go camping instead. 2 I have no idea what I should do next. 3 Why not come with us? 4 I spent 3 days reading this novel. 5 It seems that he is happy. 用英语解释句子. 1 I will not go shopping. I will go camping instead. I will go caming instead of going shopping. 2 I have no idea what I should do next. I don’t know what to do next. 3 Why not come with us? Why don’t you come with us? 4 I spent 3 days reading this novel. I took me 3 days to read this nove. 5 It seems that he is happy. He seems ( to be) happy. 33句解释句子. 1 We don’t have enough water. We are short of water. 2 Lily did the work by herself. Lily did the work on her own/ alone. 3 We did our best to help her. We tried our best to help her. 4 I am going to fly to Paris next week. I am going (to go) to Paris by plane/ air next week. 5 He usually goes to school on foot.


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