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Exercise for practiceSec. 7-3: 10, 16, 19, 20, 24, 44, 56, 62, 70, 74, 83 Sec. 7-4: 8, 13, 25, 28, 30, 43, 52, 53, 54, 59, 61 Sec. 7-5: 5, 11, 12, 15 Sec. 7-6: 8, 11, 12, 14, 15 Review 7: 12, 24, 25, 29, 36, 37, 40, 41, 42 牛牛文库文档分享Chapter 8 Systems of Linear First-Order Differential Equations另一種解「聯立微分方程式」的方法(1) Section 4.8: (2) Chapter 7: (3) Chapter 8: Using matrix 牛牛文库文档分享比較(1) 這 3 種方法都只適用於 linear constant coefficients 的情形 註:其實 Laplace transform 可用來解 nonlinear non-constant coefficient DEs, 但過程頗為複雜 (2) Laplace transform 的方法優於Section 4-8 的方法的地方, 在於可以輕易的解決 initial condition 的問題注意:但是,若 boundary conditions 不是在 t = 0 的地方,用 Laplace transform 需要花一番功夫。 牛牛文库文档分享(3) 無論是 Section 4-8 的方法,還是 Laplace transform, 運算量皆不少Chapter 8 的方法可以減少 1st order 聯立微分方程式的運算量但 2nd order 以上反而比 Laplace transform 麻煩 牛牛文库文档分享Section 8.1 Preliminary Theory方法的限制:(a) linear, (b) 1st order DEs(c) full rank (n 個 dependent variable 需要 n 個式子)名詞:linear system (pp. 509) homogeneous, nonhomogeneous (pp. 510) solution vector (pp. 510) fundamental set of solutions (pp. 514)complementary function (pp. 518) particular solution (pp. 518)general solution (pp. 514) 牛牛文库文档分享8-1-1 表示法和名詞假設有 n 個 dependent variables x1(t), x2(t), ……., xn(t), n 個只有針對其中一個dependent variable 作微分的 linear DEs::::稱作 linear system 牛牛文库文档分享Matrix form of a linear system fn(t) = 0 for all n homogeneous linear system otherwisenonhomogeneous linear system solution 牛牛文库文档分享其中可改寫成Example 2 (text page 306)皆為 的解 牛牛文库文档分享If x1(t0) = r1, x2(t0) = r2, ………., xn(t0) = rn, linear system 可寫成subject 牛牛文库文档分享8-1-2 基本定理將 Section 4-1 的幾個定理改成 vector 和 matrix 的型態[Theorem 8.1.1] If the entries of A and F are continuous on a common interval that contains the point t0, then the initial value problem on the previous page has a unique solution on this interval.(比較 Theorem 4.1.1, page 133) 牛牛文库文档分享[Theorem 8.1.2] For the homogeneous linear system (F = 0)if X1, X2, …., Xk are the solution ofthen


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