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2012级高三二轮复习 Book 8 unit one Meeting your ancestors Words : G1 输出词汇 1. 1. adj 供选择的;n 可能的选择 2. n 挨饿/v.挨饿,饿死 3. 打断…讲话v 4. 假定;设想vt / n. 假定,设想 5. adj 凌乱的,脏的 6. n 被子 7. 使锋利 v 8. 意义;重要性n /adj.重要的;有意义的 9. v 吐出;吐痰 (过去式;过去分词) 10. 幼儿园 11. n 分割;划分/ v 分割 12. 鼓掌欢迎;v 13. 逮捕 14. 追溯到 15. 受够了…; 对..厌烦了 16. 切碎 17. 至多 18. 不管..; 不顾.. 19. 向前看;为将来打算 G 2 输入词汇 n 名词 archaeology 2. accuracy (adj. accurate) 3. mat 4. beast 5. centimeter 6. botany 7. analysis 8. seashell 9. category 10. album 11. academy12. receptionist 13. onion 14. skateboard 15. yogurt 16. melon 17. wrinkle 18. pulse 19. spear 20. eyebrow 21. cheekbone 22. hammer V 动词 1 delete v /n 2. scratch 3. howl 4. identify 5. accelerate adj 形容词 1. tentative 2. acute 3. ample 4. primitive 5. systematic 6. radioactive 7. dizzy 8. gay 9. skilful 10 somehow Useful phrases: 追溯到 date back to =date from 2. 受够了 对..感到厌烦 be fed up with =be tired of 3. 向前看; 为将来打算 look ahead 4. 切碎 cut up 5. 至多 at (the) most 6. 不管;不顾 regardless of 7. 领某人参观 show sb around 8. (使某人)保暖 keep (sb) warm 9. 生火 make fires 10. 不让..进 keep ..out 11. 严寒的冬天 the freezing winter12. 关心;在乎;在意 care about 13. 宽慰地 with relief 14. 需要浇水 need watering=need to be watered 15. 为..做准备 make preparations for 追溯到2. 受够了;对..感到厌烦 3. 向前看; 为将来打算 4. 切碎 5. 至多 6. 不管;不顾 7. 领某人参观 8. (使某人)保暖 9. 生火 10 不让..进来 11. 严寒的冬天 12. 关心;在乎;在 意 13. 宽慰地 14. 需要浇水 15. 为..做准备 每日一句:There be 句型 1. There is an old man ___(live) in the jungle. 2. There exist some drawbacks(不足) in the new system. 3. There lay a wolf at the foot of the hill. 4. There sat a few parents in the classroom. 5. There stands a big factory in the area. 6. There lives a disabled man in the building. 7. There seems to be sth wrong with the machine. 8. There happened to be a chocolate in my bag. 9. There used to be many swans in the river. 10. There must be something useful in the book. 11. There is going to be a warm debate at the end of the class. 12. There is no need to worry about me. 13. There


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