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5.To support your sales, we have specially prepared some samples of our poplin together with a price list, which are enclosed for your consideration. Owing to its superior quality and reasonable price, our poplin is popular and command ready sales in most European countries. We think it is to your advantage to buy this article for sale in your market. Translate the following letter into English. 敬启者, 关于你方30日的询价,现确认我方各种尺寸都有,数量不限。我方的丝绸以选材优良,工艺精湛,设计独特而闻名,在世界各地都收到顾客的青睐。 随函附上报价单和最新目录。 由于本公司目前订单甚多,兹建议从速决定,尽早惠赐订单。 敬上 For your reference Dear Sirs, In reply to your enquiry of September 30, we confirm that we have plenty of stock of varied sizes. Our silk is of selected fabrics, and exquisite handicraft. It is well-known for its unique design and has won popularity among customers around the world. Enclosed please find the latest price list and catalogue. As our products are in heavy demand, we advise you to place an order without any loss of time. Yours faithfully, Exercise Translate the following sentence into English using the words or phrases in the brackets. (1) 我们公司专营化工品的进口业务。(to specialize in) We specialize in the import of chemicals. (2) 订单不断涌入,我们担心贵方采取观望的态度坐失良机。(sit on the fence) Orders are pouring in; we fear that you will miss the chance by sitting on the fence. (3) 我们的产品品质优良,价格公道,深受许多国家欢迎。(meet with a warm reception) Owing to its superior quality and reasonable price, our product has met with a warm reception. (4) 经过简单比较后,毫无疑问你方会有兴趣向我方订货。(induce) A simple comparison will no doubt induce you to let us have your order. End * * * Unit6 Sales promotion 推销信 外贸英语函电 Types for Sales Promotion Sales letter 推销信 Reviver 振兴信 Follow-up letter 回访信或随访信 It is used to find new customers, and to persuade the reader to buy the seller’s product so as to expand business. A good Sales Letter should be able to: a) catch the attention (吸引注意) b) arouse the interest(引起兴趣) c) Stimulate the desire(激发欲望) d) induce the


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