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旅游服务英语 English for Tour Service 主编:林 群 安锦兰 制作:李晓新 2011年1月 English for Tour Service Chapter 1 At the Travel Agency Chapter 2 Arrival Chapter 3 At the Hotel Chapter 4 Food and Drinks Chapter 5 Transport English for Tour Service Chapter 6 Sightseeing Chapter 7 Shopping Chapter 8 Entertainment Chapter 9 Complaints and Emergencies Chapter 10 Departure Chapter 1 At the Travel Agency Unit 1 Tour Consultation Unit 2 Tour Arrangement Unit 1 Tour Consultation In this unit, you will Learn career skill Recommend travel proposal Make an FIT tour booking Make a group tour booking Learn Successful selling steps Unit 1 Tour Consultation Words and Expressions accommodation n. 住宿 certificate n. 证明书 obligation n. 职责 Regulation n.规则, 规章 vaccination n.[医]接种疫苗 advisory n. 报告 currency n. 货币 passport n.护照 visa n. 签证 rental n.租赁 Unit 1 Tour Consultation admission n.允许进入 coach n. 大客车 folder n.折叠式宣传资料 option n. 选择 roundtrip a. (车票等)往返的 vacancy n. 空缺 admission ticket 门票 FIT (Family and Individual Tourist) 散客 tour guide 导游 Unit 1 Tour Consultation travel agency 旅行社 brochure n. 宣传小册子 discount n. 折扣 minimum adj. 最低的 package n. 包价项目 sightseeing n. 观光 boutique hotel 精品酒店 packaged tour 包价旅游 travel agency 旅行社 Unit 1 Tour Consultation 1. I would like to reserve a tour of the city for my group. 2. May I have the name of the group, sir? 3. Do you need a tour guide? 4. When are you planning on traveling? 5. What is the price for this travel package? Unit 1 Tour Consultation 6. I’d like some information about holidays in Japan. 7. May I suggest you our 3-day-2-night package tour? 8. Can you also reserve hotel rooms for the night? 9. I’d like to take a one-day sightseeing tour around the city. 10. Here are some brochures. They can give you some information. Unit 1 Tour Consultation Words and Expressions awa


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