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Computer-based English Listening and Speaking Test Part B Role play 角色扮演部分的话题范围在5话题项目表以内,贴近学生的实际生活,即个人情况、周围环境、日常活动、学校生活、兴趣和爱好等的方面的内容。语言材料大部分以对话形式出现,题目中有简短的情景介绍。 3问考查语言结构;5答考查信息点的获取情况 How to ask questions? 1. General Questions (一般疑问句) 1) 肯定: 你每天都运动吗? Do you do exercise every day? 2) 否定: 他难道不懂我的问题吗? Can’t he understand my question? 一般疑问句常见句型 1) Be+主语+…? 大家都到齐了吗? Is everyone here? 他们今晚会在家吗? Will they be at home tonight? 2) Do/Does/Did+主语+谓语 他经常骑车上学吗? Does he often go to school by bike? 3) 情态动词+主语+谓语 我们应该把会议延迟到下周一吗? Should we postpone the meeting to next Monday? 4) Have/Has+主语+过去分词 你征求他的意见了吗? Have you asked him about his opinion? 2. Special Questions(特殊疑问句) 1)这个人是做什么的? What does the man do? What’s the man’s job? 2)这件事情是何时发生的? When/At what time did it happen/take place? 3)买这些书你花了多少钱? How much did the books cost? How much did you spend on the books? 4) 你一天中最忙碌的是哪段时间? What is the busiest part of your day? When is your most busy time in a day? 5) 你旅游时最喜欢哪种交通方式? What kind of transportation do you like most when travelling? Which kind of transportation do you most like when travelling? 6) 你认为人际关系在人们生活中起什么作用? What effect do you think personal relationship has on people’s life? What role do you think personal relationship plays in people’s life? 3. Alternative Questions(选择疑问句) 你喜欢春季,夏季还是秋季? Do you like spring, summer or autumn? 4. Tag Questions (反义疑问句) 1) 你会参加这个周末的派对,是吗? You are going to the party this weekend, aren’t you? 2) 周末我们一起去看电影,好吗? Let’s go to watch a movie this weekend, shall we? Tips Write down question words (疑问词) before asking questions. Pay attention to person(人称), tense(时态) and order(语序). Prediction: List the possible questions you may ask. keyword Note-taking UK CN Eng. Prof. gov hw b4 20 United Kingdom China England/ English professor government homework before more than twenty Where do you want to go for your


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