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By the late 1970s Buildings and subway cars were covered with spray-painted “tag 建筑和地铁车厢都被喷漆的“标签”覆盖着 * More recently, graffiti gradually made way for more artistic work. It has gone mainstream. 最近,涂鸦逐渐成为更具艺术性的作品,并已成为主流。 * DJ, a popular call for the people who rotate the plate as a musical instrument art. They use cassette as a tool to create many different styles of music. . DJ,通俗称之为转碟子的人 ,把转碟子视为一种音乐上的乐器艺术。他们用卡带作为工具用来产生许多不同风格的音乐。 2012世界百大DJ阿明·范·比伦 * Hip-hop * DJ control the speed of the disc between the two rotating records to have different effects for performance. It will produce a unique voice, that is the two unrelated songs seemed to be synthesized他们用卡带作为工具用来产生许多不同风格的音乐。DJ在两个正在旋转的唱片之间控制碟片的转速产生不同的效果进行演出。结果是会产生一种独特的声音,即两首不相干的歌曲看上去仿佛被合成一气 * * A popular variation in basketball and an important ingredient in Hip Hop culture. It is a “every baller for himself” game 流行的篮球运动以及是嘻哈文化中的一个重要因素。这是每个球员他们自己的游戏。 BACK * With highly variable rules,other than the excitement we can feel in normal basketball matches, street ballers can bring us complicated dribbling moves and funny basketball tricks.在高度变化的规律中除了我们可以在正常的篮球比赛的兴奋感觉,街头篮球能给我们带来复杂的运球动作和有趣的篮球技巧。 * * Hip hop has a close relationship with skateboarding, BMX and other extreme sports 。 嘻哈与滑板、小轮车等极限运动有着亲密的关系 * BMX Bicycle Motocross * skateboarding * * * Meaning Hip: Buttocks(臀部) Hop: Jump by one leg(单脚跳 ) Hip-Hop: Shake Buttocks (轻扭摆臀 ) * Origin Hip-hop is a cultural movement that began amongst urban (primarily African American) youth in the United States, but has since spread around the world. 嘻哈是一种始于美国城区的文化运动,最初主要是非洲裔美国青年,现已在世界各地传播。 * Hip hop originated from Brooklyn , a Community in New York, where people were tired of poverty , drug and high rate of unemployment. However , they could not escape from such desperate environment. The slum people were extremely eager to become wealthy and lead a comfortable life. Due to the need of emotional


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