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PAGE 15 本科毕业论文(设计) 题 目 对《教父》中迈克尔的性格研究 ——美国文化对西西里文化的冲击 学 院 外国语学院 专 业 英语(师范) 年 级 2011级 学 号 222011310011042 姓 名 赵 爽 指 导 教 师 刘智勇 成 绩 2015年 4 A Study on Michael’s Character in Godfather: American Culture’s Impact on Sicilian Culture Zhao Shuang Supervisor Liu Zhiyong A Thesis Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of B. A. in English COLLEGE OF SOUTHWEST April, 2015 PAGE Contents TOC \o 1-4 \u Abstract PAGEREF _Toc421457147 \h i 内容摘要 PAGEREF _Toc421457148 \h ii I. Introduction PAGEREF _Toc421457149 \h 1 II. Formation of Michael’s Character PAGEREF _Toc421457150 \h 1 A. Sicilian factors PAGEREF _Toc421457151 \h 2 B. American factors PAGEREF _Toc421457152 \h 3 III. On Michael’s Character PAGEREF _Toc421457153 \h 4 1. Prudent PAGEREF _Toc421457154 \h 4 2. Alert and decisive PAGEREF _Toc421457155 \h 5 3. Rational PAGEREF _Toc421457156 \h 6 A. American Character PAGEREF _Toc421457157 \h 6 1. Independent PAGEREF _Toc421457158 \h 6 2. Brave PAGEREF _Toc421457159 \h 7 3. Straightforward PAGEREF _Toc421457160 \h 7 IV. Positive and Negative Effect of Michael’s Character PAGEREF _Toc421457161 \h 8 A. On Michael’s Fortune PAGEREF _Toc421457162 \h 8 B. On Mafia PAGEREF _Toc421457163 \h 8 C. On Michael’s family PAGEREF _Toc421457164 \h 9 V. Conclusion PAGEREF _Toc421457165 \h 10 Works Cited PAGEREF _Toc421457166 \h 12 Acknowledgements PAGEREF _Toc421457167 \h 13 PAGE 4 A Study on Michael’s Character in Godfather: American Culture’s Impact on Sicilian Culture Abstract A large number of Sicilian immigrants flocked into America in late 1900s. They settled down and rose themselves abruptly. With the immigration, Mafia stepped on the land of America. On the one hand, they remained the trait of Sicilian and the tradition of Sicily. On the other hand, they changed themselves under the impact of Michael was a Sicilian born in America, his character had formed in the mixed cul


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