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PAGE PAGE 9 VC++计算器课程设计报告 1.作品名称:计算器 2.本次课程设计的目的 在程序设计中,通过设计、编制、调试一个模拟计算器的程序,加深对语法及语义分析原理的理解,并 实现对命令语句的灵活应用。 3.主要功能 实现计算器的功能。用户根据程序提示,输入数字或字符,选择要进行的运算,可以进行正弦、余弦、正切、开方、对数、加、减、乘、除、华氏温度与摄氏度之间的换算以及平方根的运算。 4.代码 #include process.h #includetime.h #define MAX 100 #include iostream.h #include conio.h #include stdlib.h #include math.h double number1,number2,answer,number3,num[10000]; int n,k=1; char input,val; class oopcalc { private: double x,y; double fartocel(double number1); double celtofar(double number1); double sqroot(double number1); void calcsqr(); void calccos(); void calctan(); void calcsin(); void calclog(); public: double getX(){return x;} double getY(){return y;} double set(){x=number1;y=number2;} double calcadd(double number1,double number2); double calcsub(double number1,double number2); double calcdiv(double number1,double number2); double calcmult(double number1,double number2); void calcfartocel(); void calcceltofar(); void calcsroot(); void exitprog(); void menu(); void caculate(); void test(); void badinput(); }; void oopcalc::calcsin() { coutThe Sin Function\n; coutEnter a number:; cinnumber1; answer=sin(number1); coutThe sin of number1 is answerendl; coutPress any key to continue\n; getch(); menu(); } void oopcalc::calccos(){ coutThe Cos Function\n; coutEnter a number:; cinnumber1; answer=cos(number1); coutThe cos of number1 is answerendl; coutPress any key to continue\n; getch(); menu(); } void oopcalc::calctan() { coutThe Tan Function\n; coutEnter a number:; cinnumber1; answer=tan(number1); coutThe tan of number1 is answerendl; coutPress any key to continue\n; getch(); menu(); } void oopcalc::calcsqr() { coutThe sqr Function\n; coutEnter a number:; cinnumber1; answer=(number1*number1); coutThe sqr of number1 is answerendl; coutPress any key to continue\n; getch(); menu(); } void oopcalc::calclog(){ coutThe Log Function\n; coutEnter a number:; cinnumber1; if(number1=0) { coutBad input!\n; c


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