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I PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 1 内容摘要:高尔夫组织的称谓随着发展的演变,球会和俱乐部被赋予了不同的内涵。二者具有功能与服务上的不同;由于都是以高尔夫运动为核心,二者在会员准入形式、消费涉及的内容上相同。高尔夫球会与一般性的消费场所在消费目的、成立要求、会员准入及其主要义务上不同;但是,二者在经营方式的会员制模式和服务人员的专业化要求上相同。由于高尔夫球运动的发展在我国尚不成熟,实践中,球会与会员之间的纠纷日渐彰显。主要表现在发卡与办卡过程中的缔约过失责任问题。高尔夫球会在违反先合同义务,其缔约过失行为造成会员信赖利益损失,主观上存在过错,违反先合同义务的行为与信赖利益的损失之间存在因果关系四个条件具备时,承担缔约过失责任。其适用情形为:假借订立合同,恶意磋商;故意隐瞒与订立合同有关的重要事实或者提供虚假情况;泄露或者不正当地使用对方的商业秘密以及其他违背诚实信用原则的行为。 关键词:高尔夫球会;会员卡;缔约过失责任 PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 11 Abstract: Along with the development evolution of the golf organizations name, the club and course are entrusted with different connotations. They have different function and service; Because of taking the golf movement as the core, they are the same in the member admittance form, the content which the consumption involves. Compared with general consumption sites, they are different in the consumption goal, the establishment request, the member admittance and the primary obligation. But they are the same in the business operation mode of member pattern and service person’s specialized request. Because the golf movements development was not yet mature in our country, in the practice, between the golf club and members, the disputes become obvious day after day. In the process of sending card and managing membership cards, contracting negligence liability is the main problem. The golf violates the pre-contract obligation, contracting negligence act cause the member’s reliance interest lost, subjectively it has mistakes, the behavior that violates the pre-contract and the reliance interest loss exists relationship. When the causal relation four conditions exist, the club undertakes Contracting negligence liability. Its suitable situation is: disguising and pretending to conclude a contract and negotiating in bad faith, concealing deliberately the important facts relating to the conclusion of the contract or providing deliberately false information, performing other acts which violate the principle of good faith. Key Words:


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