人教版七年级 下册Unit4 SetionA.doc

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人教版七年级 下册Unit4 SetionA

七年级英语(下)第4单元第1课时 Unit 4 Don’t eat in class. Section A 1a—2d 一、【教材分析】 教 学 目 标 知识 目标 1. 学习并熟练掌握下列单词。 rule, arrive, hallway, hall, listen, fight, sorry, outside, wear, important, bring, uniform, quiet, (be) on time, dining hall, listen to… 2. 学习并熟练掌握下列句型,谈论规则。 (1) —What are the rules? —We can’t arrive late for class. We must be on time. (2) Don’t run in the hallways. (3) —Can we listen to music, Cindy? —We can’t listen to music in the hallways, but we can listen to it outside. 能力 目标 谈论校规校纪。 情感 目标 学会自觉遵守校规校纪,作一名合格的中学生。 教学重点 Talk about rules. 教学难点 祈使句的用法。 教学方法 情景教学法;任务型教学法。 二、【教学流程】 Ⅰ.复习 热身 Free talk: 谈论部分校规校纪 T: Can you eat in class? S: No, we can’t. T: Can you listen to music in the classroom? S: No, we can’t. T: … Ⅱ.感知 体验 1. 教学本课生词和新句型: 教师利用多媒体创设情境,呈现和学习新词和新句型,谈论规则。 New words: rule, arrive, hallway, hall, listen, fight, sorry, outside, wear, important, bring, uniform, quiet, (be) on time, dining hall, listen to… Sentences: (1) —What are the rules? —We can’t arrive late for class. We must be on time. (2) Don’t run in the hallways. (3) —Can we listen to music, Cindy? —We can’t listen to music in the hallways, but we can listen to it outside. 2. Make conversations. (1)—Don’t run in the hallways. —Sorry, Ms. Clark. (2) —What are the rules? —Well, we can’t arrive late for class. We must be on time. (3) —Can we listen to music, Cindy? —We can’t listen to music in the hallways, but we can listen to it outside. 3. Make a list of school rules: (1) Don’t arrive late for class. You must be on time. (2) Don’t run in the hallways. (3) Don’t eat in the classroom. You must eat in the dining hall. (4) Don’t listen to music in class. (5) Don’t fight. Ⅲ.强化 巩固 1a: Which rules are these students breaking? Write the number of the rule next to the student. 学生独立完成并合作讨论答案,教师检查。 1b: 播放录音,学生完成任务。 答案:Peter: 2 Amy: 3 Mike: 4 1c: Pairwork: Let the students make conversations like this —What are the rules? —Well, we can’t


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