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  第38卷第5期 煤    炭    学    报 Vol.38  No.5    2013年 5月 JOURNAL OF CHINA COAL SOCIETY May  2013  - - -     文章编号:0253 9993(2013)05 0778 05 下扬子地区下古生界页岩纳米孔隙特征及其控制因素 刘大永,郭慧娟,彭平安,贾望鲁 (中国科学院广州地球化学研究所 有机地球化学国家重点实验室,广东 广州  510640) 摘  要:为了研究下扬子地区下寒武统下部荷塘组(幕府山组)、中奥陶统胡乐组暗色泥岩的孔洞 特征,对所采样品进行了氮气等温吸附解吸实验,并通过 BJH理论计算得出1.7 ~300.0 nm 孔径 范围内的解吸附孔体积增量。 其中胡乐组页岩孔径在1.7 ~2.7 nm 时,页岩孔体积增量与有机质 的丰度具有明显的正相关关系;在2.7 ~300.0 nm 时,孔体积受构造作用与有机质丰度的共同控 制。 下寒武统荷塘组/ 幕府山组不同孔径分布范围内的孔体积增量与岩性的关系更为密切。 页岩 平均孔径分布总体上与有机质丰度呈负相关关系,表明有机质内部孔洞的大小明显小于页岩平均 孔径。 关键词:下扬子地区;页岩;纳米孔隙;孔径分布;氮气等温吸附解吸 中图分类号:P618.13      文献标志码:A Characteristics and controlling factors of pore size distribution of the Lower Paleozoic shale rocks in Lower Yangtze area LIU Da-yong,GUO Hui-juan,PENG Ping-an,JIA Wang-lu (StateKey Laboratory of Organic Geochemistry,GuangzhouInstitute of Geochemistry,ChineseAcademy of Sciences,Guangzhou  510640,China) Abstract:N adsorption-desorption isotherm experiment was adoptedfor examination of the pore character of the dark2 shales picked from Lower Cambrian Hetang/ Mufushan Formation and Middle Ordovician Hule Formation in Lower Yangtze area,andtheBJHdesorptionvolumeofporesbetween 1.7 nmand300.0 nmwidthwasacquired.Thedesorp- tion cumulative volume of Hule shales at pore width range from 1.7 nm to 2.7 nm is mainly controlled by organic abundance,but the volume rangefrom2.7 nm to300.0 nm iscontrolled by the coefficient of organic abundance and tectonic compression.The desorption cumulative volumes of poresbetween 1.7 nm to300.0 nmwidth of the Hetang/ Mufushan Formation samples show tight correlation with the lithology of samples.Generally,the average pore width of the samples show negativ


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