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物质主义 130 物质主义(Materialism): 人们赋予时间财物的重要性 “好生活”...“死时玩具最多的人,是赢家He who dies with the most toys, wins” 130 物质主义者(Materialists): 更可能依据身份和与外表有关的意义来衡量财富的价值。(value possessions for their own status and appearance) 非物质主义者(Non-materialists):重视能够与他人相联系或在使用时能得到愉悦的产品。 (value possessions that connect them to other people or provide them with pleasure in using them) 自我意识(Self-consciousness): 自我知觉(awareness of self) 研究者说那些在以下方面得分高的人 Researchers say that those who score high in: Public self-consciousness are more interested in clothing and use more cosmetics Self-monitoring are attuned to how they present themselves in social environments 案例预习 135 金宝汤在行动 价值跟需要的关系—20年前产品失败。现在家庭双收入,更少时间,同一时间多样工作。。。 “一个新产品的成功简单得就像改变老产品的包装一样”。这说明,尽管很多市面上的罐头并不比“汤在手”不方便,但市场感知到后者的很大的差别。 * Classifying Consumer Needs f. Much research has been done on classifying human needs. 1) Various universal need classifications have been attempted. 2) There seems to be no universally accepted list (though many needs are common to all lists). a) Murray’s twenty psychogenic needs such as the need for autonomy, defendency, etc. g. Those needs that seem particularly relevant to buying behavior include: 1) Need for achievement. 2) Need for affiliation. 3) Need for power. 4) Need for uniqueness. * Classifying Consumer Needs f. Much research has been done on classifying human needs. 1) Various universal need classifications have been attempted. 2) There seems to be no universally accepted list (though many needs are common to all lists). a) Murray’s twenty psychogenic needs such as the need for autonomy, defendency, etc. g. Those needs that seem particularly relevant to buying behavior include: 1) Need for achievement. 2) Need for affiliation. 3) Need for power. 4) Need for uniqueness. * h. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs implies that the order of development is fixed. This hierarchy is most closely as


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