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第 28卷第 3期 重 庆 交通 大学 学 报 ( 自然 科学 版 ) V ol. 28 N o. 3 2009年 6 月 JOU RNAL OF CH ONGQ ING J IAOTONG UN IVERS ITY ( NATU RAL SCIENCE) Jun. 2009 1 2 2 1 张 明, 邓蕾蕾 , 李 华 , 沈蒲生 ( 1. , 410082; 2. , 61008 1) , ; , , , , ; ; ; TU 375. 3 A 1674 - 0 696 ( 2009) 03- 050 1- 04 E ffect ofAxial Pressure Force on Horizontal D isplacem ent of Cantilever Column 1 2 2 1 ZHANG M ing , DENG L e ile i, L I H u a , SH EN Pusheng ( 1. Schoo l o f C iv il Eng ineering, H unan U niversity, H unan Ch ang sha 410082, Ch ina; 2. Southw est M un ic ip al Eng ineering D esign R esearch In stitu te of Ch ina, S ichu an Chengdu 6 100 81, China) Abstract: On the b asis o f the shortterm stiffness form ulas prov ided by the cu rrent concrete codes for prestressed flexu ra l m em be r and no rm al flexural m ember, the form ulas o f cracking mom ent, precrack ing section stiffness and postcrack ing section stiffness fo r the hor izonta l d isplacem ent ca lcu la tion o f can tilever co lum n w hich unde r ax ia l force action and w ithout ax ial fo rce ac tion a re deduced. Som e p aram ete r factors w h ich hav ing effect on the ax ial fo rce ac tion are ana lyzed, su ch as the e lastic m odulu s ratio of re info rcem ent and concrete, the ra tio o f reinforcem ent, the ratio o f sec tiona l effective he ight to sectional height, and the ax ia l fo rce values, then som e qu alitativ e regularities about the mi pact o f forego ing p aram eters, the interac tion re lation ship betw een forego ing p aram eters and ax ial fo


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