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20 11 9 15 Sep . 2011 34 18 M odern Electro nics T echnique V ol . 34 N o. 18 基于PSCAD 的逆变电路仿真 王文婷, 赵锦成, 张 岭 ( , 05000 3 : 逆变电路的工作过程伴有电磁暂态过程, 波形复杂且不便实际 量利用电磁暂态分析软件 PSCAD, 建立了 ( P WM 控制方式的并联谐振型逆变电路的仿真模型, 在此基础上进行了电路仿真和分析, 仿真波形能准确地反映逆变电路 的电磁暂态过程, 证实了PSCAD 软件在电力系统仿真领域比其他仿真软件更具优势 : P SCA D; 逆变电路; 脉冲宽度调制; 建模 : T N9 19- 34 ; T M 13 : A : 1004- 373X( 2011 18- 0190- 02 Simulation of Inverter Circuit Based on PSCAD W AN G Wen- ting, ZH AO J in- cheng, ZHA N G L ing ( Ordnance E ng ineer ing College, Shijiazhuang 050003, China Abstract: T he w o rk pro cess of inver ter circuit acco mpanies w ith electro magnetic transient pr ocess. Its w av eform is com- plex and can no t be measured co nv eniently. T her efo re, a simulat ion mo del of pa rallel resonant inver ter circuit w hich is co n- t rolled by pulse w idth modulatio n is built w it h the electro magnetic transient analysis softw are PSCA D. T he simulation and a- nalysis of the circuit ar e perfo rmed on the basis o f the model . T he simulat ion w avefo rm can r eflect the electro magnetic transient pr ocess o f the circuit accur ately . T he r esult co nf irm s that PSCA D has mor e adv antag es in pow er system simulation than o ther simulatio n so ftw ar es. Keyw ords: PSCA D; inv erter circuit ; pulse w idt h mo dulat ion ; mo deling 0 1 , ( 1 4 , V T 1 ~ VT 4 , L T ,


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