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WORD完美整理版 WORD完美整理版 范文范例 参考指导 范文范例 参考指导 想要CAD图纸DWG 格式请联系QQ1095414112 山东大学自考毕业设计论文 题目:平地机诊断检测方案与自诊断系统设计 专 业: 机电一体化工程 姓 名: 2014年 08 月 摘要 本文主要介绍了液压平级机的常见故障,并对主要常见机型的平级机故障原因进行了分析,制定了故障检测的总体方案,确定了自诊断项目。完成了液压平级机的状态诊断监测与故障自诊断系统的设计。 液压平级机的状态诊断监测与故障自诊断系统是一个集信号采集、工况分析、状态显示以及故障诊断为一体的多任务信息处理系统,状态监测与故障诊断是诊断技术的两个过程,两者既有密切联系又有区别。状态监测是指对设备某些特征参数(如振动、噪声、温度等)进行测取,将测定值与规定的正常值(门槛值)进行比较,以判别设备的工作状态是否正常。若对设备进行定期或连续监测便可获得设备状态变化的规律,进而对设备剩余的使用寿命作出估计,于是便可对设备状态进行预测、预报。 为解决状态监测和故障自诊断中多任务与实时性的矛盾,整个系统由状态监测与故障诊断两个子系统组成,其中前一个子系统完成液压平级机状态实时监测功能,后一个子系统完成液压平级机故障诊断功能。 关键词:液压传动系统,故障诊断,自诊断系统,电气系统 Abstract This paper mainly introduces the same level of hydraulic machine, and the common faults of main common type of machine break down reason level are analyzed, the overall scheme of fault detection and diagnosis, since the project. Complete the same level of hydraulic machine state diagnosis for monitoring and fault diagnosis system design. The same level of hydraulic machine state diagnosis for monitoring and fault diagnosis system is a collection of signal collection, analysis, working status display and fault diagnosis for the integration of multiple tasks information processing system, the condition monitoring and fault diagnosis is a diagnostic technique, the two processes both close relation and difference. State monitoring refers to some characteristic parameters (e.g. equipment vibration and noise, temperature, etc.) are measured, and the normal regulations (threshold), compared with discriminant equipment working condition is normal. If the equipment periodically or continuous monitoring and equipment state changes can be obtained, and the rest of the life of equipment, then can make estimates of equipment state and forecasting. To solve the condition monitoring and fault diagnosis of the real-time multitasking and contradiction, the whole system co


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