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Translation Courseware by Zhang 翻译练习 Choice of Theme 如何选择主位 What is a theme? The Theme is the element which serves as the point of departure of the message. It is that with which the clause is concerned. The remainder of the message, is called the Rheme. The Theme can be identified as that element which comes in the first postion in the clause. The Theme is the starting point for the message; it is what the clause is going to be about. A halfpenny is the smallest English coin. ----I’ll tell you about a halfpenny. The smallest English coin is a halfpenny. ----I’ll tell you about the smallest coin. The duke has given my aunt that teapot. My aunt was given that teapot by him. That teapot the duke gave to my aunt. 公爵送给我姨妈一盏茶壶。 我姨妈得到了他送的茶壶。 这盏茶壶是公爵送我姨妈的。 Once I was a real wanderer. Very carefully she put him back on his feet again. On Friday night I went back home. 曾几何时我还是个流浪者。(想当初…) 小心翼翼地,她再次把他扶了起来。 周五晚上我回家啦。 The Queen of Hearts she make some tarts. The man in the wilderness said to me. For want of a nail the shoe was lost. With sobs and tears he sorted out those of the largest size. 红桃皇后她做了果馅饼。 荒野里的人给我说话。 因为少了颗钉子,马掌丢了。 With sobs and tears he sorted out those of the largest size. 抽噎未止眼泪未干,他就开始挑大个的… 一边啜泣和掉眼泪,他就一边… 虽然还在哭泣,却已开始挑了最大的…. 眼泪还在眼眶,就抽噎着瞅着大个儿的捡。 Tom, Tom, the piper’s son stole a pig and away did run. From house to house I went my way. 汤姆,就是汤姆,那个管道工的儿子偷了一只猪,跑得不见了。 一座一座的房子,我挨着走啊走。 That is the one I like. A loaf of bread is what we chiefly need. What the duke did with that teapot was give it to my aunt. 那个就是我喜欢的。 一块面包就是我们所急需的。 公爵把茶壶怎么了?把它送我姨妈了呗。 这个世界我来了,任凭风暴漩涡。 Into the world I come, whatever storm and whirlpool there are. 忘了?我绝不会。 Forget it I never shall. 真是一个大傻瓜,我被她整得。 An utter fool she make me feel. 多么得意啊,你看他笑得。 How cheerfully he seems to grin. 爽极啦我们一路飙车。 Merrily we roll along. 这个责任我们得全负。 The responsibility we accept wholly. 这件事,要坚持二十年。 To the matter we should stick at least for 20years. 猎也不能打,地也不能种。 Hunting was not possible and fa


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