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Unit Two Text A It Was a Good Barn Detailed Understanding of Text A Answer the following questions according to the text. 1. Why does the author think that relationships are mysteries? Because it is hard to explain why some last _______________ while others ________________. 2. How did the barn fall apart? 3. A barn is similar to friendship in two ways. What are they? 1) Like the beams that are supported by other beams, people __________________________________, however great they are. 2) Like the roof that needs _________, friendship should be _________________. 4. What would have been needed to keep the barn from falling? _______________________ Unit Two Text B Being a Good Friend Complete each of the following sentences according to the text with an appropriate expression given below. * 1. drop in on an old friend顺路拜访了一位老朋友 顺路拜访一位音乐节目主持人 a DJ 2. fall into deep conversation促膝深谈 陷入热恋 deep love 3. point toward a neighboring farm指着邻近的农场 指着邻近的一幢建筑 a neighboring building 4. take care of the barn照管谷仓 照管这些古老的宅院 these old houses 5. drip down inside the posts顺着柱子里面往下滴 顺着墙壁外面直往下滴 outside the wall 6. a sharp series of cracks一阵尖锐的爆裂声 一阵尖锐的呼救声 cries for help 7. turn an incident over and over in one’s mind再三思考某事 再三思忖医生的忠告 the doctor’s advice . 8. come to recognize最终认识到 最终知道 know 9. unsettled disputes没有解决的争端 没有解决的问题 problems 10. keep the barn in good repair把谷仓维护得很好 把汽车保养得很好 the car . Main Ideas Fill in the blanks with appropriate words or expressions according to the above reading passage. As a common __________ among people, _________ has to be taken good ______of. In this passage, the author compares it with a ________ built barn. No ________ how strong the posts and beams may be, ____ rainwater w


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