湖南少年儿童出版社三年级起点小学六年级英语下册:Unit 2 Some stories are more interesting-第二时.ppt

湖南少年儿童出版社三年级起点小学六年级英语下册:Unit 2 Some stories are more interesting-第二时.ppt

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湖南少年儿童出版社三年级起点小学六年级英语下册:Unit 2 Some stories are more interesting-第二时.ppt

第二课时 Unit 2 Some stories are more interesting a piece of meat better drop C Let’s Practise C Let’s Practise C Let’s Practise C Let’s Practise Free talk What do you like doing? Do you like reading? Free talk Which book do you like? Which book is more interesting? D Let’s Read Read the text Peter and Anne like reading. “I love fairy tales. There are many magic stories. ” Anne says. “I like books on science. I learn a lot from these books,” Peter says. Miss Li says, “Some books on science are like fairy tales. They are more interesting than others. Reading is good for us. We should read more books. ” D Let’s Read Read and circle What kind of books does Anne like? (a) Any interesting book. (b) Interesting science stories. (c) Fairy tales. D Let’s Read Read and circle 2. What does Miss Li ask the children to do? (a) Read more fairy tales. (b) Read more science books. (c) Read more books. D Let’s Read Read and match science book space story fairy tale D Let’s Read Peter and Anne like reading. “I love fairy tales. There are many magic stories. ” Anne says. “I like books on science. I learn a lot from these books, ” Peter says. Miss Li says, “Some books on science are like fairy tales. They are more interesting than others. Reading is good for us. We should read more books. ” D Let’s Read Do a survey 四人一组,组员分别说说自己喜欢更做什么事情。 Name Jim dancing singing … … … … … … … … … Some stories are more interesting. 重点句子: 重点句型: I like ... more than ... I like running more than swimming. 1.观看Part D课文动画并跟读,按照正确的语音、语调朗读课文。 2.预习Unit2 Part E, Part F。 Thank You



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