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河南工业职业技术学院 经济管理系 毕业设计论文 中文题目:中小企业如何运用网络营销 专 业:电子商务 姓 名: 崔慧勤 学 号:1001100138 指导教师:兰岚 摘要 随着信息化发展,网络营销的优势已经突显,网络营销可以降低企业的成本,减少企业的门面费用,同时也能够通过网络交流工具及时有效地了解消费者的需求和意愿,调整企业的产品和服务,还可以提高消费者的购买效率,节约消费者时间等。 我国的中小企业在国民经济中的地位非常重要,中小企业的发展和成长也直接影响到我国的经济发展。随着信息技术水平的发展,中小企业也逐渐意识到传统营销方式的弊端,很多中小企业也开始尝试网络营销,建立公司自己的网站,但是由于我国的发展起步晚,网络普及范围还存在局限性、物流服务起步晚等传统因素影响,我国中小企业网络营销还存在很多问题,整体水平仍然偏低。 本文首先对中小企业的概念、我国中小企业发展的现状以及中小企业对我国国民经济的重要性和网络营销的概念、特点以及网络营销和传统营销相比的优势和劣势进行了分析;接着,对我国中小企业网络营销发展的现状以及存在的问题进行分析;最后,针对我国中小企业网络营销中存在的整体水平偏低、营销目标不明确、投入不合理、缺乏网络品牌和网络服务建设、营销策略水平不高、网络营销人才缺乏和网络营销绩效评估体系不完善等问题提出相应的解决策略。 Abstract Along with the development of informatization, network marketing advantage has been highlighted, network marketing companies can reduce costs, reduce the appearance of the enterprise cost, at the same time, can also through the network communication tools effectively and timely understanding of consumer needs and wishes, adjust enterprise products and services, but also can improve the consumer purchasing efficiency, saving customers time. Status of Chinas small and medium-sized enterprises in the national economy is very important, the small and medium-sized enterprise development and growth will directly affect the economic development of our country. With the rapid development of information technology, small and medium-sized enterprises are more and more aware of the drawbacks of the traditional marketing way, many small and medium-sized enterprise also began to try the network marketing, set up their own websites, but due to the development of our country started late, the network popularization scope of limitations, logistics services started late and other traditional factors, small and medium-sized enterprise network marketing of our country still exist many problems, the overall level is still low. This paper mainly introduces the present situation of small and medium-sized enterprise network marketing in China and existing problems, how to use network marketing of small and


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