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PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 1 曾和平教授简介 Prof. He-Ping Zeng: Institute of Organic Chemistry.Tel. Fax: 86-20 E-mail: zenghp@scnu.edu.cn 1992-Ph. D.,Zhangshan University; 2003-2004, Visiting Professor, University of Toronto (Canada); 2001-2003, Visiting Professor, Tohoku university (Japan); 1997-1998, Associate Professor, The university of Electro-communication (Japan); 1996-1997, Fellowship of JSPS, University of Nagoya (Japan).Overview Research: Synthetic organic chemistry is an essential tool for development of useful organic compounds, such as biologically active compounds and organic electronic devices. Since it would be getting more important to accomplish those organic processes in an efficient and environmentally benign way, it is necessary to develop the highly efficient organic transformations, such as multi-stereoselective and multi-component reactions. In our group, we are focusing the design and synthesis of Organic Functional Molecules and anti-HIV and anti-HBV drugs, leading to the organic functional materials and bioactive compounds 研究领域: 1.Design and Synthesis of Organic Functional Molecules. 2.Highly efficient synthetic methodology of organic electronics materials. 3.Research for novel bioactive natural product playing a key role 获奖与荣誉: 1.曾和平,教育部首批高等学校优秀骨干教师奖,教技〔2002〕4号)。 2.曾和平,王辉,重要生物活性物资化学特性和控制合成研究,2003,广东省科学技术奖三等. 3.曾和平,杨艳丽,功能化富勒烯[60]的设计合成与光诱导电子转移特性研究,2005,广东省科学技术奖而二等. 4.曾和平,王婷婷,吕梅香,有机小分子的设计合成与光电特征和生物活性研究,2007,广东省科学技术奖三等. 5.陈东风 曾和平? 陈 薇,龟板促骨髓间充质干细胞增殖作用及其机理,2008,广东省科学技术奖三等。 主要论文: He-Ping Zeng* Ting-Ting Wang, Wei Chen, Chun-Yan Wang, Dong-Feng Chenc and Jian-Gang Shen,*Characterization of the chemical components in the Extracts from Si-wu decoction induce Proliferation of rat mesenchymal stem cells (rMSCs),Bioorganic Medicinal Chemistry,16 (2008) 5109–5114 He-Ping Zeng1,2*,Ting-Ting Wang1 ,Dan-Feng Xu1,Dong-Feng Chen2, Yue-Peng Cai3 Synthesis, Crystal Structure Biological Activity of 2-(2-(quinolin -4-yl)vinyl)- 8-hydroxyquinoline and 2-(


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