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考研英语写作套路与模板 一、“无形社会问题”的写作步骤: 负面的展开: 适用于不好的社会问题:社会责任、传统美德、品质的缺失 可能用到的主题词: 1.爱国主义(patriotism) 2.努力工作(hardworking) 3.勤俭(plain living) 4.相信科学(belief in science)? 5.为人民服务的意识(consciousness of serving the people)? 6.团结互助(solidarity and helping each other)? 7.诚实守信(honesty,credibility and being trustworthy) 8.遵纪守法( observation of the law) 9.中华传统美德(traditional Chinese values) 勤 hardworking 俭thrift??信 honesty 孝 filial piety/ filial duty/filial respect 礼courtesy 忠loyalty 仁 benevolence/ humanity/ humaneness 爱 affection 10.??现代美德(modern virtues) 志愿者精神(volunteer spirit) 契约精神(spirit of contract, observation of the law, abiding faith of the law) 第二段的展开: 第一句: The picture does reveal that?lack of credibility?is in large measure detrimental?not only to the personal life ,but to the further development of the whole society. 第二句: In no country other than China, it has been said, is this problem more urgent and serious. 或者: The past decade has witnessed a huge development in economy owing to some policy being carried out, bringing some problems at the same time, with the above one being the foremost. 或者: 过去的三十年中,由于过分强调物质利益,忽视了诚信的重要性,而诚信对于健康的经济,稳定的社会和对于幸福的追求而言都是必不可少的。 第三句 More specifically speaking, individuals, enterprises, organizations and even the whole society fail to notice the damaging consequences of dishonesty when undergoing the dramatic social transformation. 更具体地讲,在经历剧烈的社会转型的过程中,个人、企业、组织甚至是整个社会都没能注意到诚信缺失带来的危害。 第四句和最后一句 It is not hard to notice that without honesty/credibility, hardly can individuals or organizations make money, take profits, let alone obtain wealth in the long term, especially in this fiercely competitive modern world, I argue. That will be a sorry state of affairs. 我认为,不难发现,要是没有诚信,在这样一个竞争激烈的现代社会中,从长期来看个人和组织是很难赚到钱,赚到利润的,更不必说获得财富了。那将是一个遗憾的局面。 或者: 第四句和最后一句 任何一个有识之士都会承认,如果要致力于国家富强和个人幸福,就需要诚信这种驱动力形成流行和繁荣之势。换句话讲,如果没有诚信,我们就不可能真正体会到真正的幸福和成功。 第三段的展开:(超级无敌结尾段) Facing/Confronting with such an intimidating/threatening reality, we are expected to enhance the sharp aware


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