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作业3: 这个作业也是上机实验题 试编写程序: (1) 建立下面这样一棵二叉树 (2) 后序遍历这棵二叉树 (3) 按层次遍历 (4) 求叶子数和深度。 (5) 查找値为‘H’的结点,如存在,则打印出’H’的所有祖先。 #includestdio.h #includemalloc.h #define max 100 typedef struct bnode { char data; struct bnode *lchild,*rchild; }Bnode,*Btree; typedef struct { Btree data[max]; int front ; int rear; }queue; char a[]={#,A,B,C,D,#,E,F,#,G,#,#,H,#}; int length=14; Btree Creatree() { char ch; Btree S; ch=getchar(); if(ch==#) { S=NULL; } else { S=(Btree)malloc(sizeof(Bnode)); S-data=ch; S-lchild=Creatree(); S-rchild=Creatree(); } return S; } void Lastree(Btree S) /*后续遍历*/ { if(S) { Lastree(S-lchild); Lastree(S-rchild); printf(%4c,S-data); } } int leafcount(Btree S) /*求叶子数*/ { if(S==NULL) return 0; else { if(!S-rchild!S-lchild) return 1; else return leafcount(S-lchild)+leafcount(S-rchild); } } int depth(Btree S) /*求深度*/ { if(S==NULL) return 0; else { int m=depth(S-lchild); int n=depth(S-rchild); return(mn?m:n)+1; } } void Serch() /*求祖先*/ { char x; int i,y; printf(enter whats you want serch:\n); scanf(%c,x); printf(put out the anster:\n); for(i=0;ilength;i++) { if(x==a[i]) y=i; } while(y/2!=0) { printf(%4c,a[y/2]); y=y/2; } } void CreatQueue(queue *q) { q-front=-1; q-rear=-1; } int EnQueue(queue *q,Btree c) { q-rear++; if(q-rear=max) { printf(queue overflow!\n); return 0; } q-data[q-rear]=c; return 1; } int DeQueue(queue *q,Btree *ret) { if(q-front==q-rear) return 0; q-front++; *ret=q-data[q-front]; return 1; } void Cengci(Btree S) /*层次遍历*/ { queue tq; Btree res; CreatQueue(tq); EnQueue(tq,S); while(DeQueue(tq,res)==1) { if(res) { printf(%4c,res-data); EnQueue(tq,res-lchild); EnQueue(tq,res-rchild); } } } void main() { Btree t; printf(please enter a tree(end with #):\n); t=Creatree(); printf(please output the tree with Last:\n); Lastree(t); printf(\n); printf(leafs number is %d:\n,leafcount(t)); printf(trees depth is %d:\n,depth(t)); printf(cengcihua:\n); Cengci(t); printf(\n); fflush(stdin); Serch(); printf


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