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开学了 Welcome and Nice to meet you! Self-introduction It is our first time to meet each other, so it is necessary for us to make a self – introduction. Hobbies: Liu Shuqin Name: reading and travelling Tel: Self-introduction About myself: Good afternoon everyone,I am glad to see you and welcome to No.2 Middle School . In the latter days I will be your English teacher. I’m an easy-going person and I like making friends with everybody. I hope you’ll like me and enjoy my class.Let’s work hard together, I believe we can achieve the goals we set. I will be very happy if you tell something about yourselves to me …… Self-introduction I like/love/enjoy(doing sth)... I am fond of... I am interested in… My hobby is…./ My hobbies are….. ...is my favorite. I am a person who.... Hobbies Name Age I am .../ My name is… I’m 17 years old. I’m a 17--- year--- old girl. qualities Self-introduction Hello, everyone. I’m ______and I graduated from_________. As a 17-year-old boy/girl, I’m fond of _____. In my free time, I spend much time in_________. In a word, I’m a person who____________. (doing sth) question Why should we study English? interest the most widely used language in the world know more about the world 150 marks in the NMET (National Matriculation English Test) of great use for you in college and even in your whole life Including: A well-paid job Travelling to other countries without difficulty Study abroad Make you more clever … Know some translators 傅雷(1908年4月7日-1966年9月3日),字怒安,号怒庵,生于原江苏省南汇县下沙乡(现浦东新区航头镇),中国著名的翻译家、作家、教育家、美术评论家。早年留学法国巴黎大学。他翻译了大量的法文作品,其中包括巴尔扎克、罗曼·罗兰、伏尔泰等名家著作。其有两子傅聪、傅敏,傅聪为世界范围内享有盛誉的钢琴家,傅敏为英语教师。傅雷被红卫兵逼死于家中悬梁自尽。他的全部译作,现经家属编定,交由安徽人民出版社编成《傅雷译文集》,从1981年起分15卷出版,现已出齐。 宋清如 朱生豪(1912年2月2日-1944年12月26日),原名朱文森,又名文生,学名森豪,笔名朱朱、朱生等,中国浙江省嘉兴人,是中国翻译莎士比亚作品较早和最多的一人,译文质量和风格卓具特色,为国内外莎士比亚研究者所公认。朱生豪共译出莎士比亚悲剧、喜剧、杂剧与历史剧31部半。朱生豪1933年大学毕业后,在上海世界书局任英文编辑,参加《英汉四用辞典》的编纂工作,并创作诗歌。写有诗集多种,均毁于战火。同时还在报刊上发表散文、小品文。曾翻译《莎士比亚戏剧全集》,其译本作品质量与完整性


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