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7. .That’s why … 那就是为什么......,那就是......的原因 That’s because… 那是因为...... 他今天不在,那是因为他病了。 ----He is absent today. That’s because he is ill. I had neither a raincoat nor an umbrella. That’s why I got wet through. 8. reason The reason for (doing) sth. /for…reason/the reason why/that… The reason for building the pyramids in Egypt is still unknown. =The reason why people built the pyramids in Egypt is still unknown. The reason why he was ill was drinking the polluted water. =The reason for his illness was drinking the polluted water. For what reason was he late again?= Why was he late again? reasonable adj.合理的 unreasonable adj.不合理的 9. believe in unexplained things believe in 信任;信仰 believe相信某人的话 We usually believe him , but this doesn’t mean we always believe in him. 10. some day; 将来某一天 one day过去或将来某一天 11. can’t tell? tell … from … 区分 tell apart区分,分清 tell sb (not) to do /tell sb that…告诉 Nobody can tell the future.断定;知道 Translation of some phrases: 无法解释的传说,未解之谜 充满神秘 先进的科技,高科技 偶遇 某天(将来的) 一艘沉船 提前 tales of the unexplained be full of mysteries advanced science and technology run into/ come across/ meet by chance some day a sunken ship in advance/ ahead of time/ ahead of schedule homework Surf the net and learn more about world mysteries. Prepare a short speech to introduce something that interests you. Translate the following sentences into English: 我不知道出于什么原因他没来参加我们的聚会。 他们看起来完全一样,你怎么认得出谁是谁啊? 你怎么知道要按这些中的哪一个? 那个粗心大意的司机把汽车撞在一棵大树上。 . 他上周偶然碰见了他大学时的老师。 * Welcome to the unit Unit 1 In your opinion, what is the most beautiful thing one can experience? Why? Group discussion What have you known about Albert Einstein? Why was he so great? Einstein contributed more than any other scientist to the modern vision of physical reality. His special and general theories of relativity are still regarded as the most satisfactory model of the large-scale universe that we have. He solved lots of problems mysterious to us before… Do you want to know his opi


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