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摘 要 宾馆客房管理系统是一个由宾馆工作人员、计算机及数据库组成的对宾馆信 息管理的系统。即对相关的信息进行收集、整理、使用和维护的过程。从 1946 年第一台计算机诞生至此,随着科学技术日新月异的发展,计算机技术也日渐成 熟,其强大的功能已被人们深刻认识,并在社会各个领域里发挥着越来越重要的 作用。人们将大量工作交给计算机处理,将海量的数据信息存储在数据库里,从 而大幅度提高了工作效率,也方便了数据信息的统计。宾馆管理项目众多、信息 量繁杂,要降低管理成本,提高宾馆管理的水平,增进经济利润,则必然要借助 于计算机进行信息管理,进而实现宾馆信息管理的规范化、自动化和人性化。进 入新世纪,面向对象技术得到了人们广泛的认同和支持,是因为面向对象语言可 以在各种不同的机器、操作系统中进行开发,具有解释型语言(如 Basic 语言)和 编译型语言(如 C 语言) 的特性,同时也摒弃了C++ 中许多不必要的功能。在此环 境下,开发一个的宾馆信息管理系统变的切实可行。而具体的功能实现则主要采 用 C++ Builder6、Microsoft SQL Server2000 这两种工具。本系统要完成的功能有 对宾馆客房进行管理和查询,客人可以选择预订入住宾馆,可以选择登记入住宾 馆,最后当客人离店时可以对其进行结账处理。 关键词:宾馆客房管理,数据库,面向对象设计 I Abstract Hotel rooms management system is an information system for managing hotel staff, computers and databases. That involves the process of collecting, using and maintaining information. Since 1946 when the first compute was created, the computer technology has become mature gradually with the booming development of science and technology. And now computers play an important role in always every area and people have realized the great power of computers. People use computer to deal with digital information and save it in databases. In this way, they improve working efficiency greatly. The information involved in the hotel management is complicated. In order to decrease the management costs, improve the level of management and increase the profit, it is necessary to depend on computers to manage hotel information. This is also the way to achieve the standardization, automation and humanization of hotel information management. In this new century, Object Oriented Program has achieved worldwide identification and support since it can be develo


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