E时代高职英语——综合教程(1) 第三单元.pptx

E时代高职英语——综合教程(1) 第三单元.pptx

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Lead-in;Lead-in;Watch the video by scanning the QR code, and then discuss the question “Which kind of places do you want to travel to and why?” with your partners. Here are some words and phrases for your reference.;Watch the video again and choose the correct words to fill in the blanks.;Discuss the following questions with your partners.;Lead-in;Listen to the dialogues and fill in the blanks.;;Dialogue 1;Dialogue 2;Listen to the dialogues again and check your answers, and then make a dialogue according to the situation given below. The following sentence patterns are for your reference.;Situation: You are checking in a hotel where you have already made a reservation. But the receptionist tells you that they don’t have your reservation record ( 预订记录). Now you have to deal with this problem.;Listen to the song Sunday Trip and then fill in the blanks.;Did you ever (1) _____________ To find a beautiful fairy’s around Did you fly over the moon To plant some trees and water the flowers too What a (2) _____________ Sunday trip I saw many things I wanted to see And my dreams are spread somewhere What a wonderful Sunday trip I saw many things I wanted to see And my dreams are (3) ____________________;Far away from cold and rain The rainbow brought me (4) ____________________________ There are days when love is so full Then it could send us always And my purest feelings rose today What a wonderful Sunday trip Reminds me of many things forget to see And my dreams are spread somewhere;What a wonderful Sunday trip Reminds me of many things forget to see And my dreams are spread everywhere Since beginning of the trip Protected by (5) _____________ and dear friendship;Lead-in;Text A Intensive Reading;How Travel Transformed Me;Tibet has its own colors and its own unique traditions that are still upheld after thousands of years. (Para. 2) 句中“that are still... years”是一个由that 引导的定语从句, 修饰前面的its own unique traditions。thousands of years 意思是“数千年”,注意此处的thousand 要用复数。;Meanwhile, here


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